Chapter 7: 💛Joy and Sorrow 💙

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    The sun was slowing approaching the other side of the earth. The dusk will turn into dawn and vice versa. In short a new day is approaching.

     And I'm ready for it! I giggle in excitement I woke up in a fantastic mood that morning. It's partly because of what happened last night and what's to come today! I look to my left and see Urami knocked out and sleeping soundly. I chuckle and practically jump out of my futon. I start to get ready and do my normal morning routine.

I hear a knock on my door and I answer it. I open the door and see Kanao standing there.

"Good morning!" I practically sing out.

She smiles, " Good morning (y/n)! I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready."

"Yea, thanks for letting me know! What are we having?" I say bouncing my weight back and forth on my heels.

She pauses for dramatic effect. "We having your favorite!"

I gasp in delight. 'Yes we're having my [Your favorite breakfast food.]! The day just started and it's getting even better.' I come out of my thoughts and smile even wider. "That's awesome I'll be down in a sec."

She nods and says goodbye. I turn my attention to my one and only sleeping crow. I get closer and I poke him. He rolls over grunting and saying something incoherent. I giggle and poke him again. He flaps his wings trying to swat at me. I poke him again and he wakes right up.

"WHAT?!" He roars, jumping up on his two thin legs.

I smile widely at him. He cocks his head to the side. "Why the fuck are you smiling like you just committed arson with no regret."

I giggle letting the insult roll off my shoulder. "I just woke up in a fantastic mood, and I wanted to wake you up so I could share the joy with you!"

He looks me straight in the eye. " Your crazy. Waking me up just for joy?" He continued to grumbles. "My joy was sleeping and enjoying the warmth of my bed."

I laugh and put him on my shoulder. "Stop being such a sour piss rat. Think of the bright side you get to see Ginko earlier now."

He frowns at the first part. "I'm not a morning person."

He then did a complete 180 when he heard the last part. He started to squawk excitedly with hearts forming in his eyes. He quickly flys toward the window and smacks into it. WACK.

I bite my lip to keep myself from bursting into laughter as I watch him get back up. He shoots a glare my way and nods toward the windows. I let out little giggles as I opened the window.

"See ya!" I say as he actually went through the window this time. He squawks in response.

I then skipped all way down to the kitchen, humming lightly. My friends are all ready sitting at the table and look at me simultaneously. I smile and waved enthusiastically.

"Good morning (y/n)! What's got you into a good mood?" Aoi cheerfully asks.

Before I could answer I get cut off. A blondnette stands up and tackles me into a hug.

"GOOD MORNING (Y/N)-CHAN!!!" He yells squeezing me tightly. I hug him back and pat him on the head. He then looked at me with sparkles in his eyes.

"Good Morning Aoi and good morning to you too." I say looking at Aoi then looking down at Zenitsu. He squeezes me tighter before he was pried off of me by Inosuke.

I thank Inosuke and he gives a snort in reply. I sat down with the others and stare at my wonderful, delectable [Your Favorite Breakfast Food] that is right in front of me. After we all said a quick prayer, we quickly dug in.

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