Chapter 14:👋Farwells and Welcomes🤗

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"Hear you go child. Its all fresh and and sweaky clean." Miss Zuri said as she handed me my haori.

I was currently in my room doubling checking that I collected all my belongings. Which wasn't very much. Just my sword, haori, Muichiro gifts, and my small bag I carry when out on missions. The paper bag that has the honey and vile were also stored in my small bag.

I gave her a polite smile and thanked her."Oh I made you some more pain numbing medicine just in case." She then handed me another vile. I grimaced and accepted it.

Unfortunately she saw that. "I know it might not taste the best but it will help you in the long run." She firmly stated.

"Yea, your right." I nodded in agreement. "Giyuu actually got me some honey to overtake the flavor of it."

"Well isn't that sweet of him." She sweetly said. "I'll use that in the future. Tell him thanks for me."

"Will do!" I say giving her a thumbs up.

"Just one more thing. Don't forget to let your wounds air out for a day. Then you can re-bandage if you like." She gave me a warm smile.

I grinned in response. "I won't and thank you for your advice!"

She came closer and pinched my cheeks. "Aren't you the cutest little thing. All sweet and polite. Next time your on a mission and happen to be in this area. Don't hesitate to pop in. Of course I would much prefer you not to be injured while doing so." She finished letting go of my cheeks and pulling me into a gentle hug.

I hugged her back and let go after standing there for a few moments. "Of course! If I'm nearby then I'll definitely visit!" I genuinely promised.

We then heard a knock, and the door opened. "Are you all ready to go?" Giyuu asked looking at me and then glanced at Miss Zuri.

I did a quick scan around the room and it looked like I got everything. "Yep I'm all set!"

Miss Zuri pulled me into one last hug and whispered in my ear. "Go get your man~" she teases encouragingly. I blushed and we separated.

Miss Zuri walks us out and says her goodbyes to Giyuu. I waved goodbye again and she sent me a wink, and I giggled.

Once the building was out of sight, we saw Giyuu's bird take flight, and soar above our  heads. 

     We we're approaching an l-shape dirt path. I glanced up at the bird taking a quick shortcut by going diagonally. 

    I looked at Giyuu and asked. "Do you want to take the same shortcut?"

      Giyuu glanced at his bird and then at the grass field that had some small hills. "Are you sure? What if you fall and reopen your wounds?"

      "Psh! I'll be fine." I say waving my hand at him. "Plus if I fall, I'll just trust in you save me!" I tilt my head to look up at him. "After all you already saved me once before~."

His eyes widen and gives me a playful smirk. "And I'll do it again." He then leaned down to my ear and whispered. "I'll be your savior anytime (y/n)~" He then backed away like nothing happened.

I cover my ear with my hand while my face turned red like a cherry. "HEY YOU CANT JUST ACT NORMAL!!" I shouted clearly flustered.

"Are you implying I can't be normal?" He questioned coolly.

" not what I meant?!" I questioned. I hear him chuckling and I burn even brighter. 'Im talking to Tanjiro later!!! I did not sign up for this!!!'

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