Chapter 33: 🍛Lunch, Lectures👨‍🏫, and a Sleepover😴

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Muichiro and Kiyoshi stopped bickering at my sudden outburst. While Urami snapped out of his scared state, and finally excepted the food that Ginko was giving him.

       "You left your food behind to chase that guy?!" Kiyoshi exclaimed a bit in shock pointing at Muichiro. Kyoshi then glanced at Urami. "Now I'm curious to see what she's hiding."

         Kiyoshi then glanced at me and gave me a smirk, or what I assume it is since he has a mask on. "I broke a door for this shit. I think I ought to know for payment."

         "Hah Good luck convincing her. She literally jumped her favorite person in the world." Urami retorted at Kiyoshi while embarrassing me in the process.

      "Urami! Just call him Muichiro for gosh sakes or fog breath, but please stop with these elaborate titles." I say my face heating up in embarrassment.

      "Favorite person in the world hm?" Muichiro teased with a smirk on his face in my direction.

       Apparently Urami didn't get scared enough earlier because he joined right in beside him. "Yep! Lets see we got, favorite friend, biggest fan, and now favorite person in the world now." He teased me.

      "You guys need to stop. She's clearly embarrassed." Ginko cut in after taking a bite of her food. I felt my heart swell against her words because I know she loves Muichiro a whole bunch, and still decided to take my side.

"Will you please become my crow Ginko?" I asked genuinely with a warm smile on my face. Ginko squawked in surprise and started to choke on her food. Urami immediately flew over to her and patted her back.

Urami sent a glare my way once Ginko stopped coughing. Ginko cleared her throat and smiled gratefully at me. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm truly happy with just being Muichiro's crow."

Urami laughed "hah! You just got rejected by a bird!" Ginko then immediately slapped him upside his head.

" Quit being such a dick!" She scolded her lover. Urami rubbed his head in response, and when Ginko wasn't looking he gave me the bird.

I scoffed. I heard Muichiro chuckle behind me. "Sorry (y/n), but even if she did agree, I'm not handing her over."

Ginko looked at him with sparkles in her eyes. "Ahhh Your so loyal my sweet Muichiro!!!" She praised. Urami immediately frowned and sent a glare to Muichiro while moving closer to Ginko.

Muichiro smiled softly at Ginko, while my stomach growled. Kiyoshi snapped his attention onto me, and he looked like he just had the best idea in the world. " Hey (y/n), I'll show you the way back to the kitchen, if you tell me what your hiding."

Muichiro then made a small tch noise. "Your not going to convince her to spill the beans with just that. You-" Muichiro was cut off by me.

"Deal! Let's go! I'm hungry!" I say happily and went towards Kiyoshi. Muichiro then tugged back on my haori stopping me from moving any further. I tilted my head at him. "Muichiro what gives? Kiyoshi is going to take me to my food." I pouted and tried to get him to let go of my haori.

Muichiro scoffed, and started to drag me, "I'll take you. Can't believe how easily your are to sway when food is involved," he complained taking me out the room from where the door was supposed to be.

"Hey! What the heck Muichiro?! Stop foiling my plans." Kiyoshi called out in irritation.

Muichiro just coldly glared at him. "Fix the door." He ordered, and started tugging me away towards the kitchen. He only let go of my haori, when we arrived back into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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