Chapter 21:❓Why's and scolding😅

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I let out another sigh. "Tell Tanjiro I'll be back." I mumbled.

"He's expecting you to be here when he gets back." Muichiro replied bluntly.

"That's why I'm telling you to tell him that I'll be back." I explained as nicely as I could, still facing away from him.

"Where are you going? I'm sure he liked to know." He stated monotonously,

'Since when did he ask questions?' "The infirmary." I say shortly, hoping he'll leave me alone like he usually does.

      "Why?" He questioned.

      "I don't need to explain that you." I say a bit rudely. My eyes widen in shock as I quickly covered my mouth.

"Sorry I just don't want to be near you right now." I winced at my own honesty, and hurried out of there. 'Great way to go! Now I'm no better than him.'

Muichiro P.O.V

"Sorry I just don't want to be near you right now."

My eyes widen at her words, and I watched her go to the left, and disappeared from my line of sight. 'What? She always wanted to be near me. It was me that didn't want to be near her if anything.'

I blinked and balled my fist up. 'Why did she react like that? Why didn't she keep smiling at me? And why didn't she want to look me into the eyes? Also, why does this irritate me so much?'

I frowned deeper, and wandered back to the conversation I had with Kiyoshi. 'Is this what he meant when she wasn't going to come back?' I shook my head. 'Wait why do I even care? Isn't this what I wanted?' A sharp no went across my mind.

      I swallowed some of my saliva. 'What did Kiyoshi say again? That I needed to make the first step or something.' I furrowed my brows. 'Apologize. That is what he said and what I apparently need to do. But why do I even want to do it?' I let out a breath. '(Y/n) is hurting my brain, I'll figure it out later.'

      I heard he door opened and turned towards it. Tanjiro pop in smiling unsurely, holding a pretty bird that was pecking his hands and screeching.


       "Tanjiro!" I say happily. "Why did you bring him along?" I question holding the Urami's beak shut. 'I won't allow this thing to hurt Tanjiro. I don't care if he is Ginko's boyfriend.'

       Tanjiro sent me a grateful smile, and I relaxed. "I brought him for (y/n)! Speaking of (y/n) where is she? She normally be trying all her tricks to befriend you."

      Urami started to thrash around in the Tanjiro hand, and glared at me menacingly. "MMMPHMMM!"

        I tensed up at his question , and frowned slightly. "She went to the infirmary." I mumbled. 'And she would be if she hadn't misinterpreted of what I said.' I frowned even more at my thought.

       "Really? I guess she wanted to make sure Jiro was doing okay." He said innocently.

       'Jiro the kid whose mom wants (y/n) to marry him. It doesn't matter (y/n) wouldn't agree anyway.' An unfamiliar feeling rolled all over my body. 'Still she could've told me that's why she wanted to go.'

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