🦋 Chapter 18🖤

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Song: People you know.
Artist(s): Selena Gomez.


(Author's POV)

"It's okay bro, it's natural for her to act that way, women are emotional and you don't expect her to just support you, you also showed her how much you don't like her, a change of heart won't just happen out of the blue" Kabir said to his angry brother who was aggressively punching the punch bag in the gym of their house.

"Bro you need to calm down, you've been punching that bag for the past 2 hours, how can you anger last that long" Kabir said as he goes over to hold his brother.

"Bro, I just can't believe she'll be that ungrateful after all I did to help her when she was dying" Umar said upset, looking at his expression now Kabir can see his not angry but upset.

"Come on, it's okay bro" Kabir said hugging his brother.

"She's been through a lot, she has an abusive husband who have a mistress in his house and a family she feels doesn't care about her, every day of her life must be difficult and your attitude with her husband doesn't help at all" Kabir said tapping his brother's back.

"Just be calm with her, she's emotional and still very young to understand what's going on, one day she'll understand, just stop making it obvious to her that you don't like her" Kabir said as he broke the hug looking at Umar.

"Thanks bro, you said some wise word there" Umar said shaking Kabir's hand.

"Anytime bro" Kabir said smiling at him.

"You know what?" Kabir said.

"Why were you upset about what Assar thought of you, I thought you hated her, shouldn't you not care about her opinion" Kabir said smirking at his brother.

"Bro, bro, come on" Umar said as he playfully hit Kabir's chest.

"Don't get the wrong idea, it just looked like she was supporting Arman after all he did" Umar said

"Well his her husband she has the right to" Kabir said in defense

"You jerk" Umar said attempting to playfully punch him making Kabir pretend to run as they both laughed exchanging few conversation before going their separate ways.

The day finally comes to an end with Umar preparing for the next day and doing his night routine. Laying on his bed to finally sleep he kept wondering what tomorrow's going to be like.

Its 5:30 am in the household of Arman Abdullahi, everyone was currently praying fajr except Halima who couldn't stand due to her sprained ankle, seems like it became more serious than expected as she refused to follow Umar's advice on using cold water to massage it.

After that Jamila is seen in the kitchen preparing breakfast while Arman was currently in his gym starting his day off with some workout, Assar comes down from her room to help Jamila in the kitchen and after the breakfast is prepared they both served it.

Arman takes Halima's portion to her room and feeds it to her putting her to sleep before coming to eat his in the dinning room, Assar on the other hand had finish eating her meal and is sitting in the living room, currently waiting for doctor Umar's arrival.

11:44am reaches and he still hasn't arrived so she decided to just brush it off and do something with her day instead, scrolling through her phone checking for new recipes to try out Assar was disrupted with the familiar black BMW driving into the compound.

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