🦋Chapter 30🖤

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Song: pov.
Artist(s): Ariana Grande.


(Author's POV)

Assar sits by the window of her room looking outside as she normally does whenever she feels restless.

She got the news about Arman two days ago and no matter how she tried to convince herself that she's glad of whatever happened to him she's still worried about him.

She's scared of going to see him and even if she wanted her mum and Umar wouldn't let her, she had thought of trying to call him but unfortunately she don't have his number, both of them never once exchanged contacts while they were married and now she low-key regrets that.

Umar went to check on Arman after Kabir got the address of the hospital and when he was back and broke the news of Arman's condition, she felt worried and restless ever since. His paralyzed and can no longer speak, what punishment is that, she's just wondering how he must be feeling or what his going through, even her would wish to die if she was in such a condition and for a man like Arman who's arrogant and full of pride how must he be feeling.

Is he even thinking about her as much as she's lost here thinking about him, what should she do, Umar told them the name of the hospital would it be right for her to go see him, what if he tries to do something to her, she thought to herself but remembered his paralyzed and so there's nothing he could do to her.

After much thoughts she finally came to the conclusion of going to see him this once even if it's from a far distance let her just see what condition he was in maybe that would make her feel better.

After making up her mind and getting herself dressed in a royal blue abaya she comes out and inform her mum she's going to a supermarket to buy some pads. She can't tell them she's going to see Arman otherwise they wouldn't let her.

After they permitted her to go she quickly got into a cab and gave the driver the name of the hospital sitting quietly as he starts the journey there.

Few minutes later he halts in front of the huge hospital, she pays him the amount he requested and proceeded into the building and stopping by the receptionist.

"Good afternoon" she greeted

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked in a nice manner

"I'm here to see a patient, Arman Abdullahi Sani" she said as the receptionist goes through her laptop before giving her the number of the ward.

Assar takes a deep breath walking in search of the room number she was given. Finally arriving at the door to the room she stops hesitating whether to go in or just leave.

How could she leave after the effort she put coming here, she then finally decides to go in, pushing the door open she gasps as she saw the man lying with several drips attached to him.

It reminded her so much of when she was admitted to Umar's hospital, she walks further into the room to make sure it was really Arman and not someone else.

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