🦋Chapter 19🖤

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Song: Dandelions.
Artist(s): Ruth B.


(Author's POV)

Walking casually towards the familiar house Umar stops for a moment at the huge entrance door taking a deep breath before proceeding to knock. After a few minutes the door was opened and the familiar figure greets him with a smile.

"Assalamualaikum"he said walking into the living as the whole family looked at him, surprised to see him except Alhaji Shehu, Mukhtar and Salim who had no idea whom the man was.

"Walaikum Salam, Umar" Hajiya Maimuna responded getting up looking at her nephew in surprise as her husband glanced at her

"Aunty, Ina yini" he said squatting to greet her as a sign of respect, she responds his greeting as he greeted Alhaji Shehu and Hajiya Aminah as well. After that they offered him to sit which he did as he exchanged pleasantries to them.

Alhaji Shehu being the man he is suspicious of everyone and not liking outsiders mingles with his family quickly demanded an explanation on why Umar came to his house.

Seeing the man's behavior Umar chuckled a bit then giving him a smirk before responding.

"I'm just here to see my aunty, I've never actually gotten the chance to visit her matrimonial home since she got married to you, so I just said to stop by and spend sometime with her and my cousin's" he said looking in Salim, Summaya, Maryam, Rukkaya and Mukhtar direction giving them a smile as they smiled back at him even though they don't know him well enough they just knew he was the doctor who saved their sister's life.

"Did you seek her permission before coming?" he asked as he looked at his wife, Umar who was caught off by the question was about to reply when his aunty did instead.

"Yes, he did, I invited him" Hajiya Maimuna said, lying actually.

"And did you seek my permission before inviting him?" Alhaji Shehu said offended as all his family members just looked at him, now no one in the house liked their father again, his behavior and attitude had just been getting on their nerve, after all his done, they feel they have lost his respect for him and the fact that he restricts people from even meeting them doesn't make things better.

"Alhaji as much as this is your house this is also my house and you have no right to restrict any of my family members from coming to visit me, if you have a problem with him coming here then let me go out and speak to him, you're not the first man to get married so stop acting like anyone in this house even enjoys staying with you" Hajiya Maimuna said fustrated as her husband looked at her in disbelief, he expected this behavior from his second wife Aminah but definitely not Maimuna, she was a calm woman, he even considered her the Angel in his life so how could she be so rude to him now and in front of his kids as well.

"Is it me your husband you are speaking to in that manner?" He asked trying his best to control the anger within him.

"I'm sorry if it sounded rude but your behavior towards us this past few days is really not something to he proud of, you caused all this and you know that, if you were still the good man you were before then I wouldn't have been provoked to the extent of disrespecting you in this manner" Hajiya Maimuna said again as her husband was about to respond to her making hajiya Aminah interrupt him.

"If you're not enjoying his presence here there's a living room upstairs go there and leave us don't start letting everyone know that the man of this house doesn't possess any good character, to be honest now I feel disappointed to call you my husband" Hajiya Aminah said as he looked at both of them in disbelief.

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