🦋Chapter 49🖤

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Song: Fat Funny Friend.
Artist(s): Maddie Zahm.


(Author's POV)

Enjoying the moment exploring the lips of his first love Aliyu is interrupted by the sound of a cup falling crashing to the floor.

Looking at the direction of where the sound came from, he sees Maryam standing looking at them both with her eye widened in surprise.

"Oh no" he said silently to himself as he looked back at Alayna seeing she was also looking at Maryam and then back at Maryam who had her gaze fixed on him.

"Aliyu" Alayna called as he turned to face her.

"I love you too" she said planting a kiss on his lips again as he slightly pushed her off him realizing what he has done.

He looked at Maryam as she shook her head running up the stairs.

"Oh no" he said again silently and was about to run after her when Alayna grabbed his hand stopping him.

"What's wrong, are you seriously going to leave me for her" she said giving him a pitiful look.

"Let go off my hand" he said trying to get her grip off him as she forcefully tries to get a hold of him till they ended up in a hug.

"I missed you a lot" she said gently patting his back as he just stood there frozen in the spot, unable to move and wanting to listen to what she had to say.

"Not a day goes by that I don't think of you, and when I found out I was pregnant I couldn't stop myself" she said patting his back.

"I know you think you're not the father but remember you always accepted all my babies I know I always ended up getting rid of them but that was because I couldn't bear seeing a child that wasn't yours calling you father, I wanted to have your own baby, I wanted to be the mother of your child, but I couldn't have that, or I'll say you didn't let me, but now that God has given me a chance to do that for you, why will I loose it" she said breaking the hug to look at him, her eyes already filled up with tears.

"Please accept this baby, I know you're that good to, I sincerely love you and I promise to be with you forever, I won't ever look at another man that's not you, you're the only man in my heart and you'll forever be, I can never go back to a man that left me but I did so for you and that's cause I love you, I know I wronged you and broke you so many times but I'm here to fix that now please forgive me and allow me back into your life" she said as her tears dropped

"Why?" He said

"Why did you do all that to me?" He asked her again

"Why did you keep doing all the things I pleaded with you not to?" He said loosing his temper.

"Why did you keep breaking my heart times without number?" He yelled.

"Was I not good enough?" He asked.

"What did you see in those men that you didn't see in me"

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