🦋Chapter 21🖤

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Song: Ghost.
Artist(s): Justin Bieber.


(Author's POV)

"Is she yet awake?" Hajiya Maimuna asked coming into the room with a bowl of warm water and towel in her hand.

"Not yet" Hajiya Aminah replied weakly

"Allah zai bata lafiya (Allah would grant her good health)" Hajiya Maimuna said as her Aminah just muttered Amin.

"Umar" She called the man who had been sitting quietly for a while lost in his thoughts.

"Na'am, aunty" he responded to Hajiya Maimuna

"Are you sure of what you told us?" She asked recalling the incident that Umar told them had happened they were sure it was black magic but didn't want to believe it knowing now that they have been sent to Assar getting rid of it would be a very difficult thing to do.

"Yes, aunty I'm very sure, I witnessed it all myself" he said looking at her before looking over to Assar

"I just hopes she wakes up soon to tell us what really happened, and who caused this marks" he said looking at the sleeping figure

"Who is wicked enough to do such a thing to my innocent daughter" Hajiya Aminah said as she breaks down again

"Haba Aminah ki daina kuka, wanna kadara che daga wurin Allah kuma In Sha Allah, Allah zai kare ta (Come on Amina stop crying, all this is part of what Allah has written and In Sha Allah He will protect her)" Hajiya Maimuna said comforting her co-wife

"Aunty, do you really think it's black magic?" Umar asked getting the woman's attention.

"It definitely is, as long as you said when you played the Qur'an that old woman kept covering her ears and acting aggressively it's definitely an evil jinn who possessed her" she responded as he sighs

"Is there any way to get rid of it and is there any chance it followed us here?" He asked his aunt, ever since that incident Umar had started being a bit humble, he was now calmer and quieter, the incident kept replaying in his head over and over as his mind only kept getting filled up with questions.

"I don't know, I'll have to call Malam Saddo to tell him about it, we'll have to conduct a ruqya section for Assar" she responded as she looked over at the mother who was quietly crying besides her daughter.

"Aunty, I'll have to leave now, I need to speak to my mum, I'll come back tomorrow morning to check on Assar and hopefully she'll be awake by then" Umar said looking at the unconscious figure

"Umar please stick to your prayers and dua, that jinn attacked you and won't leave you like that especially since you took Assar away, don't miss any Salah and whatever you do always recite your dikhr" Hajiya Maimuna said as he felt himself getting weak again, no doubts he was filled up in fear now and needs his mum to talk him out of it, he can't go into a deep conversation about it here cause it'll only affect Assar's mum.

Arman and Assar.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora