1: Summer Wish

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FOR AS long as she could remember, Olivia had always described her summer as magical. She would talk about summer all the time and, when she wasn't, she was hoping someone else would bring it up. Between the months of June to August, the Conklin family stayed for the few months of summer, meaning the beach house was filled with the kids and the mothers- just how everyone liked it.

Growing up in Cousins was the dream life for Olivia: surfing, swimming, hot weather, bonfires, and volleyball. Olivia had to admit, she only enjoyed volleyball because of Isabel Conklin. Belly had always been so good at volleyball, though Olivia thought she was good at everything. The two have been best friends since birth, along with Olivia's twin brother Jeremiah.

Though Olivia would beg to differ, as her brother wasn't as close to Belly as she was. Olivia knew he didn't feel nervous around her, he didn't remember everything about her, he didn't admire her every move... until he did. And suddenly, her own brother was crushing on her crush.

However, Olivia didn't tell him about her crush on Belly- she didn't tell anyone. So that feeling grew inside of her, festering and increasing, until she felt obligated to tell her friend- Evie.

"What's your summer wish, Via?" Evie asked curiously, as she laid stomach down on the bed. A smirk grew on her face, which Olivia had always admired, "The same as last year? And the year before that... and the year before that?"

"Shut up." Via giggled, chucking a pillow at her friend, before chucking herself onto the bed. She sighed sarcastically, "Okay, okay. Maybe it's the same as last years."

Evie suggested, "Then you need to ask her out-"

"Shh! The whole house will hear you." Olivia interrupted, as she rushed towards her bedroom door and closed it. She continued, as she paced up and down, "It's a lot easier said than done. I mean, I can't just go up to her like, hey Belly I think I'm in-love with you!"

Evie shrugged optimistically, "You could..."

"We both know how that would end." Via replied, as she collapsed down onto her bed, "I'm not even out to my family yet, I can't... I know Jere came out but that's different."

"Hey." Evie comforted, as she tucked Olivia's hair behind her ear, "Don't feel pressured to come out, okay? If I hear anyone pressuring you, I swear to god-"

"You'll kill them." Olivia finished, a smile appearing on her face, "I know." She paused, sitting up quickly, "What's your summer wish?"

"I find a hot holiday crush." Evie grinned, "My moms have been watching me like a hawk, since what happened with that person last summer."

Via chuckled, "I still can't believe you had a one-night-stand. Shit, my best friend is a slut."

"You bitch." Evie bursted into fits of giggles, as she stood up quickly, grabbing Olivia's ankles and pulling her off of the bed. She thudded to the floor, the two girls laughs echoed around the beach house.

Although Olivia loved summer, she missed her best friend, who she never gets to see in person for three months. Evie Ramirez traditionally visited her family in Spain for the entire summer, leaving Via alone- thank God for FaceTime.

"They're here!" Susannah exclaimed loudly, as the twins bolted down the stairs- pushing each other out of the way to see who would get the first hug.

"Jere!" Via raised her voice, as she tried to push past him, though the boy had already stepped outside. Jeremiah glanced back at his sister, smirking tediously, and Olivia couldn't help but smile back. Her brother had this charm, which people referred to as golden retriever energy, Jere could make anyone smile so effortlessly.

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