16: Fuck Shit Up

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THE NIGHT of Steven's graduation party had arrived and, after getting ready for hours, Evie drove herself and Via to the party. Her brothers weren't going which was for the better, in Via's opinion. Everything had been strange between them since their mother died: Conrad stayed at college to isolate himself, Jeremiah was mad a Conrad for the whole Belly situation, and Via had just changed.

Even though her brothers were fighting, they found a way of communicating through Via's struggles. They both wanted to help her, and they had to talk to each other to do that- it was one of the only times they had spoken to each other since Susannah left.

Olivia rested her elbow on the car door, as a cold wind blew in her face from the open window. She exhaled smoke from her joint, unable to attend the party sober, as Evie parked the car.

"Okay, are you ready?" Evie asked, excitement filling her body. Evie was the definition of a people person- a social butterfly. She took Via's joint, before placing it in between her lips and exhaling smoke. She frowned, "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

Via sighed, relining her eyeliner in the car mirror, "I just haven't seen her in so long. I don't know what to say."

"Be yourself." Evie reassured, "And if you wanna go home at any time, find me and I'll drive you. Okay?"

"Okay." Via nodded to herself, trying to boost her confidence, "I've got this."

"Fuck yeah, you have." Evie exclaimed, as she stepped out of the car, "Let's go fuck some shit up-"

Via slammed the car door behind her, letting out a chuckle, "Never say that again."

"What?" Evie questioned, "Was that too much?"

Olivia linked arms with Evie as they arrived at the house party, gatherings of unfamiliar teenagers filled the house as music blared from a mile away. Before entering, Via made some adjustments to how she looked: brushing the hair back from her face, pulling up her royal blue dress to make it shorter, adjusting the multiple rings on her fingers. She wanted to look her best for Belly.

"Ollie!" A familiar voice shouted, as Via and Evie turned around. Taylor rushed up to the girls, before embracing Via in a tight hug, "Ollie! I haven't seen you in ages, girl, how are you holding up?"

"Uh, good, yeah." Via smiled, though everybody knew she was doing good. She continued, "Oh, uh, this is Evie. I don't know if you ever met her."

"Hi." Evie grinned, giving a small wave, "It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

"All good things I hope." Taylor smiled, before asking, "Do you wanna get a drink?"

"I can't, I'm driving." Evie replied, "But I'll come with you. You coming, Ollie?"

Via nodded, "Sure-"

"No, you're staying." Taylor smirked, before turning around and raising her voice, "Belly! Belly, get over here!"

Via stressed, "Taylor, what are-"

"Relax, Ollie." Taylor reassured, "You look hot."

Via panicked, watching as the two girls walked off. Evie called, "Remember to fuck shit up-"

"Hey!" Belly grinned excitedly, as she rushed up towards her. Via couldn't help but admire her- it felt like the beginning of last summer, seeing her for the first time again. Belly wore a tight hot pink top and blue jeans, her brown hair left natural- just as Via loved it.

"Hi." Via spluttered, her eyes widening as Belly hugged her tightly. She asked, "How's everything?"

"Good, uh, yeah." Belly nodded, "I mean, I'm failing classes and I got my volleyball captaincy revoked, but everything's good."

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