17: Stay The Night

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INSTEAD OF going back to Boston, Via refused to leave without talking to Belly. She hated the idea of leaving her alone after Belly had come out- Via knew how it felt.

Evie waited in the car outside the Conklin house with Taylor, the two had become quite the duo, whilst Via made her way to the front door. She considered climbing through the window, but figured that wasn't the best approach at night.

Via knocked on the door, nervously looking back at Evie and Taylor, who were quietly hyping her up from the car in the distance.

"Via?" Laurel opened the door in confusion, "What are you doing here this late?"

"I, uh, I came to talk to Belly. Is she here?" Via asked, as Laurel hugged her tightly.

"She's upstairs, sweetie, you're more than welcome to stay." Laurel smiled, as she closed the front door behind her.

"Thank you." Via grinned, as she slid off her shoes and jogged upstairs.

Olivia nervously walked down the hallway towards Belly's bedroom, looking at the framed photos on the walls as she walked passed. She smiled to herself, before knocking on the door.

Belly's voice was muffled from inside, "Mom, I don't-"

"It's Livy." Via interrupted quickly, as she slowly poked her head in the room. Belly was lying in bed, almost cocooning herself in her bedsheets, as she held her phone in one hand, the bright beam of light highlighting the tears on her cheeks.

"Livy?" Belly questioned, before quickly sitting up and wiping the tears from her cheeks.

Via exhaled a breath of courage, before walking over to Belly and sitting opposite her. She tried to find the right words, "I know you wanted to be alone, but you need somebody."

"I feel like an idiot." Belly sighed, tears filling her eyes again, "I just... I just feel so sad all the time." She lowered her voice as it shook, "I don't think I deserve to feel happy."

"Hey." Via comforted, reaching out to hold Belly's hand, "You're not an idiot for expressing how you feel, Belly."

Belly hesitated, "I like you, Livy, I really do. I mean, you're funny, kind, and so pretty. Last summer was one of the best summers ever, and it was because I was with you. Not Conrad, not Jeremiah, you. And, uh, this school year made me realise how much I miss when you're not around." She paused, sniffing as she wiped away her tears, "I don't want to make our friendship weird but, uh..."

Via paused, her eyes filling with tears at Belly's words. She could not believe what she was hearing- a love confession. Via spluttered, "You liked me?"

"I love you, Livy." Belly corrected, "I mean, I tried to block you out. I tried to make my crush on you go away by kissing Conrad and Jeremiah. But you... you make me happy. You make me feel the fireworks Susannah always talked about."

Via could only sit there in shock, her insides screaming in excitement. Olivia processed what Belly had just told her- causing the other girl to panic.

Belly waited for Via to reply, before stressing, "I, uh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of made it weird- fuck. I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry, Liv-"

And suddenly, Via leaned closer to the girl, her lips colliding with Belly's as they kissed abruptly. Olivia quickly pulled away, as she held Belly's cheeks, before blurting out, "I love you, Belly. From the moment I met you I just wanted to be with you. Every summer made me go crazy because I knew I couldn't have you."

Belly let out a chuckle as happy tears ran down her cheeks. The girls' foreheads touched, as they cupped each other's faces. This had been the moment Via had always dreamed of. They kissed more passionately, Belly's hand brushing through Via's blonde hair, straddling on top of her lap and pulling down the straps of Via's dress...

Before Via's phone rang- Jeremiah. The two girls paused, as Via caught her breath before answering, "Hello?"

"Ollie, where are you?" Jeremiah stressed, "You said you would be home by 2am."

"I'm, uh, just at Belly's house." Via explained, as Belly climbed off the girl's lap and sat beside her in concern. Via frowned, "Why? Is everything okay?"

Jeremiah asked, "Is Conrad there?"

"Why would he be here?" Via questioned in concern, "Jere, what's going on?"

Jere sighed, "Conrad's gone."

Via immediately stood up in panic, "What the fuck do you mean he's gone? Gone where?"

"I don't know." Jeremiah worried, "He's not answering my texts or picking up my calls."

Belly suggested, "Isn't he in the middle of finals? Maybe he took an all-nighter at the library."

"N-No, I don't think so." Jeremiah replied, a tone of surprise in his voice from hearing Belly speak, "Apparently he told his roommate that everything is fucked, and then he just took off." He paused, "I think I'm gonna go to Brown in the morning."

"Fuck." Via sighed, before sitting back down on the bed, "We'll drive up to Brown tomorrow to meet you, okay?"

"Okay." Jeremiah replied.

Via reassured, "Try not to worry, Jere, you know how Conrad gets."

"Which is why we should be worried." Jeremiah retorted, before sighing, "Good night. Love you."

Via hung up, "I love you."

Via rested her head on the pillow, before Belly placed her head on her chest. Via smiled to herself, before messaging Evie...

Staying the night!!
You can drive home
without me. 
Thank you, Evie

Taylor is going crazy!!
See you back home

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