3: The Bonfire

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"YOU MAKE it look so easy." Via lowered her voice, "You know... being gay."

"That's because I have gay moms." Evie replied through the phone, "If they had a straight kid I think they'd have a heart attack."

Via chuckled, "I'm serious, Evie. I don't know if I can survive the summer. Todays been a shit show. I just can't-"

"Where's the positive can-do attitude?" Evie asked sarcastically, before continuing, "You never call me on the first night, what happened? Why was it a shit show?"

"It could've gone better." Via explained, "I mean, I totally crumbled. I think Conrad knows and I'm freaking out. He literally looked at me and said I understand."

"It's okay, Ollie." Evie reassured, "You know what's the best thing you can do right now?"

Via frowned, "If you say that I should go to the Bonfire, I'll kill you."

"Never-mind, then. But I think it would be fun. Find a girl, hook up, make Belly jealous." Evie explained.

"First of all, Belly isn't coming to the Bonfire." Via paused before continuing, "Second of all, I'm not even out to my family so if they see me kissing a girl on a beach, they'll go into cardiac-arrest."

"Babe, I'm saying this as your best friend. You need to get out there!" Evie encouraged, "Put on something slutty, go to the bonfire, kiss some girls, get high."

Via replied, "Well, I did take Connie's joint."

"And you didn't mention it to me?" Evie scoffed in disbelief, though it turned to excitement, "Get high. Go to the bonfire. It'll be okay, no matter what happens."

"I don't know-"

"It's summer, Via, it only happens once a year." Evie encouraged, before hanging up, "Enjoy it!"

Olivia was left alone in her bedroom in complete silence. She grabbed a light blue dress from her wardrobe, leaving her blonde hair down, and putting on her black converse. She had to admit, the weed was stronger than she expected- she hadn't gotten high in a while due to what happened last summer. Olivia just had to pretend she wasn't high, which was easier said then done.

Susannah spoke as soon as she heard her daughter walk downstairs, "The brownies are in-" She paused, as Via walked into the kitchen, "You look very fancy for a movie night."

"Uh, about the movie night... Jere said I could go to the Bonfire with him." Via lied, trying to act as normal as possible, "Uh, I'll be here for the next movie night."

Susannah looked at Laurel before sighing. Her mom smiled slightly, "Okay, go and have fun. Stay with your brother, understand?"

"Yes, mom." Via slurred, as Susannah kissed the top of her head, "Love you."

Steven walked passed the kitchen with Jeremiah, "First Bonfire of the summer!"

Jere peered into the kitchen, waving goodbye to the moms, before noticing his sister. He frowned, "What's with the dress, Ollie?"

"I'm going to the Bonfire with you." Via explained, knowing her brother had no idea what was happening.

Jere questioned, "What?"

"You said I could come..." Via gave him a look, "Remember?"

Thankfully, Jere caught onto the lie, "Oh, yeah! Yeah, of course. Come on then."

Laurel frowned as they left the room, looking at Susannah, "Is she okay?"

Jere walked outside to find Steven teasing Belly about the Bonfire, as he turned to his own sister. He whispered, "You're welcome."

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