8: Dead Animal Lips

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THAT AFTERNOON, the group played games in the pool- of course, now Taylor was here, Via felt as though she was outcasted even more. However, Belly made sure that she was on Via's team in every game... without fail. It sounded stupid to Olivia but, in moments like this, she thought Belly felt the same way.

Steven complained as his team lost at volleyball, "This is so unfair. Its three against two."

"You're slipping, Steven." Taylor flirted, a mischievous grin appeared on her face as the girls high-fived each other.

"Let's go!" Belly cheered her team, as she jumped out of the water to hit the ball. Via stopped focusing for a moment, watching Belly in that purple bikini. The colour complimented her sun-kissed skin, and the style of it fitted... Stop! Stop! Stop!

Belly's voice brought Via back into reality, "Livy, hit it!"

But Olivia was too late, as she frowned in confusion, not realising the ball flying right at her. Unexpectedly, Taylor jumped in front of the confused girl, before hitting it in the direction of Conrad and his girlfriend- who were sitting at the side of the pool. The ball collided with Nicole's face, as the whole group went silent.

"Ow!" Nicole winced, as she held her nose in pain.

Via muttered, her eyes wide in shock, "Holy shit."

"Are you okay?" Steven questioned in concern.

Taylor let out a chuckle, "I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"Taylor." Belly warned, before turning to Nicole, "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm-I'm totally fine." Nicole lied, "Y-You guys keep playing."

Conrad helped her stand up, "Let me see it. Let's go inside, I'll get you some ice."

"I'm so sorry." Belly repeated, "Feel better, okay?"

"Come on, Belly." Taylor remarked, "Conrad can take of Nicole. Let's go inside and look at ourselves in the mirror some more."

Belly rolled her eyes at Taylor's comment, before climbing out of the pool- she was followed by Jere and Steven, leaving Taylor and Via alone.

"I might go inside." Olivia spoke up after a while of awkward silence, "Are you coming?"

Taylor hesitated, watching as Via swam to the edge of the pool. She blurted out, "You like her, don't you?"

Via paused as her heart dropped, before continuing to climb out of the pool. She wrapped her towel around her waist, "Excuse me?"

Taylor followed her out of the pool, as she pushed herself to climb out, "Belly. I see how you look at her."

Via avoided eye contact, as she spluttered, "I-I don't know what you're on about, Taylor. We're friends, we always have been, we always will."

"You expect me to believe that?" Taylor smiled, as she mocked Via's voice, "Are you okay, Belly? Do you wanna watch a movie, Belles? I love you-"

Via whisper-yelled, "Can you keep your voice down." She paused, as she dried her face with her towel, "We're just friends, Taylor."

Taylor watched as Via quickly walked away. She smirked, "You keep telling yourself that!"



Just as Olivia thought her day couldn't get anymore awkward, she had to embrace Belly flirting with her new boyfriend at the dinner table. She sat next to Conrad, which was straight opposite the two flirting- she had front row seats.

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