30: Acceptance

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AFTER CONRAD told the group he got into Stanford, the teenagers all decided to have an overnight study session to help Conrad pass his final. Skye and Julia left, Laurel slept at the Motel, and Evie drove back home to see her moms- which left the kids alone in the beach house. 

Via felt a lot happier, although a piece of her was still missing. She needed Evie to talk to, as Via didn't know how to talk to Belly. The two girls had been ignoring each other since the break up, but it was visible that they wanted to talk.

"Hey." Belly tapped the girl gently, as she slept in her sleeping bag on the kitchen floor, "Hey, Livy."

Via rubbed her eyes, rolling off the couch before walking into the kitchen to meet with her friends, who were already up and studying.

Via's eyes lit up at the multiple burgers on the table, "Is that McDonalds?"

"It's a reward system." Steven spoke with his mouth full of food, "Don't get your hopes up."

"A reward system?" Via questioned. 

"Yeah." Belly spoke nervously, for the first time since the breakup, "If Conrad studies, you get a burger."

Via smiled slightly at the girl, "Impressive."

3:46am. Via read the time on her phone, as she managed to remove herself from the studying situation. She sat on the ledge of the pool, dangling her feet into the water as the blue lights glistened on her face. She heard the distant music coming from the house and smiled to herself at Belly's attempt of making the boys gain energy.

Via couldn't be mad at Belly, no matter how hard she tried.

The Conklin girl slid the glass door open, closing it behind her before walking towards the girl. Belly asked, as she sat down next to Via. She hesitated, "I know you hate me, but I'm really sorry."

Via shrugged, keeping her eyes on the pool water, "It's fine."

"No, it's not fine." Belly explained, "I was so afraid of my sexuality that I forgot about you. I was a shitty girlfriend, I'm sorry."

Via exclaimed, "You cheated on me and-and I hated you for it. I mean, I really loved you, Belles. I can't remember a time when I didn't love you." She hesitated, "But, it's not possible for me to hate you forever. I mean, you're Isabel Conklin."

Belly shook her head, "Don't make me sound special after everything I've done to you."

"You are special... to me." Via confessed, "I mean, all of my life I've imagined you in it. I can't imagine the future without you, Belly." She paused, "No matter how much you hurt me, I'll always love you..." Via smiled, "Which is extremely annoying."

Belly let out a small chuckle, before speaking, "I didn't know how much you meant to me until you were gone. You were right in front of me, all along. I'm sorry I didn't cherish you sooner."

Their hands moved closer together, as their pinky-finger's reached towards one another. Slowly connecting. They both looked at each other, admiring every single thing about the other person.

For Livy, Belly was all she would ever need. She was like a ray of sunlight.

Belly hesitated, "Do you forgive me, Livy?"

Yes. Via thought, A million times yes. Although Via was distraught by Belly's action, she couldn't give up that easily. She had always wanted Belly- she couldn't remember a time when she wasn't deeply in-love with her.

Via smiled slightly, her blue eyes flickering in-between Belly's eyes and lips, "Of course."

Love was just like Susannah had said- fireworks- Via just wished her mom was here to see it. A part of her knew she was present, almost watching her fall in-love in spirit. Susannah was always going to be in the girl's heart, even if she wasn't there physically. Olivia had finally learnt to accept that.

Via thought there was some validity in accepting that a part of her died the day her mom did, but also a part of Susannah that stayed with her. And always will stay with her.

i can't believe this has ENDED??
(i wanted to end on a happy note, because of all the pain ive put you through!)

thank you so much for all the lovely comments and votes, i appreciate you ALL so much<3

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stay tuned for my percy jackson fanfic<3

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