11: Drunk Words

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GETTING DRUNK on the beach with her friends was Via's ideal way of celebrating July. She hadn't had that much fun in a long time, considering everything that was going on. Hours later, the group decided to migrate back to the Fisher's house, gathering around on the deck before Via got taken away by her father. She would've rather been with her friends, who were all getting drunk without her.

Via struggled to keep up with her father's large strides, as she complained, "Dad, why can't we just talk later? I'm having fun."

"Does having fun mean getting drunk? Because that's what it looks like." Adam retorted, yet a small smile appeared on his face.

Via frowned at his calmness, "You're not mad?"

"I am mad." Adam corrected, before he stopped walking as they had arrived in their garden. He continued, "But it's the ways of growing up. I drunk, your mom drunk, everybody drinks once in their life."

"Cam doesn't." Via deadpanned sarcastically, as she folded her arms over her chest. She watched her dad pick up an American Football from the grass. Via frowned, "Dad, I thought this talk was about drinking. What are you doing?"

Via knew what he was doing- he was attempting to build back a relationship that was already long gone. However, Via appreciated his efforts but no matter how hard he tried, Adam cheated on her mother- Conrad had told her a while ago. And she hated for him it.

Jeremiah had rushed towards the two playing the game, before quickly joining in. He threw the ball to Via, as she watched the ball fly over head, she didn't bother to jump for it. Jere chuckled, "Ollie."

Adam blurted out, "Your mom told me you quit girl's football at school."

"I was bringing the team down. I can't catch the ball for shit." Via deadpanned, as she picked up the ball from the grass, "I was never good at it, dad. I always told you I hated it-"

"You just needed to try harder, Vi." Adam explained, trying to joke yet nobody laughed, "If you weren't so focused on boys then maybe you would've been better."

The twins shared eye contact for a moment, knowing what they were thinking in an instant. Jere had a soft look on his face, sympathy in his eyes yet he smiled mischievously after a while, like he knew something dad didn't. Via just rolled her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face as she threw the ball at her brother.

Alike her mother, Via had never really liked sports, yet the rest of her family were very sporty. Trying to bond over something she hated with her dad was quite awkward, and clearly that awkwardness was quite obvious to Conrad, who had quickly joined in the game to help ease the mood. Connie was always good at sports, yet he was mostly playing for Via to make her feel better in this situation. 

From the other side of their front garden was Belly, who was sat on the deck with her friends. She held her margarita, which she had drunk too many of, as she watched Via play the game. Belly looked at the girl, her blonde hair practically glowing in the sun, as her pink bikini complimented her summer tan perfectly. Belly preferred volleyball, yet she wanted to ditch her friends and join Via more than anything. She didn't know why she felt so drawn to Via- they had always been best friends, but this felt different. Belly couldn't describe this feeling yet it felt so familiar.

Adam had gone to retrieve the ball, which Via had threw purposely very far away, giving her space to recharge her enthusiasm for him. Jeremiah noticed this of course, before his attitude changed. He insisted, "Can you be nice to dad for one day?"

"He hasn't even been here for one day, so that doesn't make any sense." Via corrected smartly, as she kicked the grass beneath her feet.

Jere continued, "Seriously, Ollie, he's trying."

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