Chapter 29

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The pure dilemma was roaming inside Azyel. She has only witnessed Zain torturing that man, but a murderer. Can it be possible?

Zikria also suspected his involvement in Shezad's murder. And his dark behavior which he bestowed on her, was also the reason to mistrust him. Forgiveness and forgetfulness are two different realms. He was ashamed of his atrocities, Ayzel forgave him too but did not forget.

"I just have to complete my contract here. Nothing more and nothing less." She decided that she would focus on her work. It's not her right to meddle in Skinder's dark activities.

But little did she know, she was already entered in their darkness. Only a few hours of her freedom were left.

Asma and Aliya were gone out for work. Only the boys were in the mansion. An eerie silence was felt by Ayzel.

She went to Zain to serve his lunch. She was quite nervous.

"We are going outside tonight," Zain told him, taking a sip from coffee.

"Why we?" she got scared.

"Were not you excited to see my bride? So tonight I will reveal her." He told her smoothly.

"But it's your family's right to see her. What would I do there? I have nothing to do with her." she said nervously.

"You have everything to do with her. Now meet Burhan," he told her firmly. She could not fathom his eyes and meaning.

With slumped shoulders, she went out. On the way, she met Burhan. The mere sight of him made her relaxed. He was a brother in the true sense.

"Hey my pretty little sis, let's freshen up. I have to take you somewhere," he told her with full teeth smile.

"Burhan, What's going on? Sir Zain told me that I have to go with him. You are also taking me out." She cried out in confusion.

"You will know soon," he told her. On the way, he told her that she has to prepare for tonight's function. And he wanted her sister to look great.

Then he took her to Saloon. Her dress was a red embellished net long maxi with matching heels and jewelry. After the make up she could not recognize herself. This look was new to her.

The Ayzel in the mirror was not her.

Burhan dropped her at the venue. "Ayzel you go inside, I will join you later." he ushered her inside and then left. She took a deep breath and followed the way.

Her feet stopped at a certain destination. It was an open garden space, decorated with red roses and balloons. In the center, a small table was placed with two chairs. Like a date is arranged for two. She was in wonderment about visualizing this.
She was wondering where are others. Burhan did not come either.

Suddenly the lights got dimmed. She flinched a little.

"Once upon a time, a beast was living in the darkness. He was not aware that there is a beating organ called the heart, inside him until an angel came into his life. That angel with her light, brightened that beast's life. And now she has become his life." It was Zain's voice. But where was he? Ayzel started to look around for him.

Soon he appeared adorned in a black Armani suit with a red shirt. He is taking dominant strides toward her.
Now, he was standing in front of close her, very close.

"Sir, what is.." she tried to ask him but he stopped her.

"And do you know who is the beast and his angel?" he asked her. She shook her head confusingly.

He took her soft and small hands in his large callous hands and brought them close to his lips.

"The beast was me and the angel is you, my dear squirrel." he kissed her hands and then released them. And Ayzel was feeling like she was trapped in a nightmare.

" I love you." These three words from his mouth were enough to stop her breathing. He confessed his feelings. Then he took out a small box and opened it for her. An expensive diamond ring was residing inside it.

"By the way, I should not ask it. Just tell you." he chuckled.

"But being as a gentleman for your sake, I am asking." What was he going to ask? Ayzel was not coming out from the previous nightmare.

"Will you marry me, Ayzel?" he asked finally. He proposed to her.

"I promise the love and care of all the world I will place at your feet. The world's every blessing will be at your feet. You will live like a queen, All you just have to say is yes. One, yes. And our lives will be changed. I love you so so much. So tell this air and night, will you marry me?" he asked in his deep husky voice.

And Ayzel felt a metaphorical slap on her soul. He was still holding the ring. He was about to slide the ring into her finger when she came out of her trance.

His touch burned her skin like an electric spark. She stepped back in horror and anger.

"Ayzel.." her behavior confused him.

"no, no, no, no" she was whispering and shaking her head.

"NO, NEVER" she yelled like someone had possessed her.

"What do you think of yourself? Do you think this is funny? Huh?" her voice got a higher pitch.

"This is not a joke. I truly love you." he again confessed but unsoftly this time.

"Just Shut up! Shut up. I don't need your love. I would never marry a criminal person like you. If I have forgiven you that does not mean I forgot your atrocities." she yelled with a teary face.

The reason behind her accusation was Sameer, who perfectly brainwashed her. The last night he told many other dark things about Zain to her. He told her that Zain had widowed many women and orphaned many children.

She was breathing hard and Zain was standing there like a stone sculpture.

"I will never marry you. Did you listen? I will never hold the hand of your, which is tainted with the blood of many innocent people." Then she ran.

Seconds passed and changed to long minutes of anger.

"Sir, what should we do? The dinner is getting cold. And about the sparks..and lightning?" a waiter asked scaredly.

"Burn this place right now,'' he said darkly.

The waiter gasped. "But sir.."

"Burn this place right now." he gritted. And soon that beautiful place engulfed into flames. And in these flames, a man was laughing madly.

"Oh my squirrel what have you done?" he was still laughing.

"For the first time, I wanted to get a thing easily but you wronged me. How would I have you without going through the hard way?" he asked like a maniac.

"Let's see, will You go through my hardnesses or ruination?" Whistlingng evilly he left.

And the night promised the doom of an innocent soul.


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