Chapter 20

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"Everything is fine Dr. Kim and your baby is healthy too, this might be your last monthly checkup as it's almost delivery time so I would suggest you to always keep someone near you from now on we never know when will be the time" Jin's gynecologist Mr.Hong said after done with all tests and check-ups.

"Oof i hope this little one comes out soon i walk like a penguin almost all the time" Jin said huffing with one hand supporting his bump and other on his back making other people present in the room chuckled.

"Here I changed some medicine and if have any query do let me know" Mr. Hong said handing the prescription to Jimin who took it and nods scaning over the written medicines.

Yoonji and Yeonjun helped Jin walking out of the Mr. Hong's cabin. Standing in the doorway Jin told Hobi, Yoonji and Yoongi to go to the office first and sat the table for lunch. While Yeonjun, Soobin and Jimin left behind with Jin and helped him to reach Hobi's office.

Standing outside the door of the office Jin told "Wait first go and bring Taehyung and Jungkook, Namjoon will be coming soon"

Soobin looked confused "But we don't know as to where Jungkook hyung run off too" the trio paused realising that they were not alone.

All three shit their graze slowly at Soobin who felt maybe he opened his mouth at wrong time and gave them an awkward smile.

"Do you think he will be good for it?" Jin questioned in monotonous tone.

Jimin looked at Yeonjun who also looks at him "Don't look at me he's yours so answer it by yourself" he said.

Soobin flustered hearing Jimin a warm sensation rushed to his neck which he decided to not affect him. Yeonjun's face lit up at Jimin's words without looking at Soobin he turned to Jin and nods patting Soobin's back "He will be perfect! The more people the better"

Jin smiled and ruffles Yeonjun's hair "Nice point now take him with you and full him up on the way I'm going in" he said pointing at the door.

"Wait hyung" Jimin said stopping Jin as he entered in the room quickly and call Hobi.

"Hobi hyung we remembered something so can you please help Jin hyung to come inside and made him settle on the couch and yeah Namjoon hyung will be here in any moment" he told Hobi who nods and came out with him to escort Jin.

Hobi helped Jin by putting one hand on his back and other holding his arm as he laughed at Jin's rant about how tired he felt and he couldn't even walk without looking like a penguin.

"Sooo let's go" Jimin said signalling both Yeonjun and Soobin. Soobin who just stood there feeling lost at what just happened and to what Yeonjun gave him to Jin for nonetheless he followed both Yeonjun and Jimin.

"Soo what was that all?" Soobin asked as the all stopped in front of the lift.

Yeonjun and Jimin shared a look "Tell him" Jimin told.

"No you do I'm still processing what I just got myself into and now Soobin too" Yeonjun replied.

"But you included him in" Jimin said raising an eyebrow.

"But you are senior here" and they goes back and forth whereas Soobin just stood there looking between them still confused.

Meanwhile, In the lab both Jungkook and Taehyung was bored even after Jungkook's magic show where he just waste some more chemicals and Taehyung had to add them in the list to which Jungkook just shrugged saying it's on hospital.

Now both of them sitting by desk in front of the window staring at the moving clouds with their cheeks squeezed between the fisted hands resting on their folded legs.

"It's lion" Jungkook pointed at perticular cloud.

"Be specific kookie" Taehyung said.

".......Simba" they both hified without moving their graze from the clouds.

"I'm hungry" Taehyung said finally turning his face to Jungkook pouting. Jungkook smiled and pats his head.

"Gotcha" he said and pulled out an Oreo pack and handed it to a stunned Taehyung.

Taehyung took the biscuit pack with a stunned look "Why do you have an Oreo in your surgery suit?" He asked.

Jungkook scratches his left cheek "Well sometimes my companions felt dizz or disturbed after surgery so just to lift up their mood i sometimes offers them this or other times i just ate it myself"

Taehyung blinks looking at the Oreo pack in his hands than at Jungkook's goofy smile, he giggles tilting his head "That's kinda.....cute"

Jungkook winks at him "That's Dr. Jeon give me too" he said and went for a biscuit from the pack.

Munching on the biscuit Taehyung pokes Jungkook shoulder catching his attention, Jungkook turns to Taehyung with half munched Oreo in his mouth.

Taehyung held two Oreo cookie without cream "OO" he than add another two biscuit's cream between an Oreo "OrerereO"

He than eat that than held up only cream of three-four Oreo "Rererere" than he picked six-eight oreo kookie "Ooooooooooooooo"

Jungkook snorted and the cookie he just ate spit out of his mouth luckily he turned his face away so it couldn't get over Taehyung's face. Jungkook gasped and pats his chest.

"Do you wanna kill me LMAO" he said falling onto the ground laughing hard over Taehyung's little Oreo show.

"Wow did you just said LMAO out loud?!" Taehyung asked suprised.

Jungkook lying on the floor gasping for air nods his head. Taehyung without thinking jumped on him "OMG YES I HAVE FOUND YOU MY SOULMATE MARRY ME"

Jungkook laughs and wrapped his arms around Taehyung "I WILL"

They both laughed for sometime than calmed down a little still in same position. Taehyung shift in Jungkook's hold in more comfortable position than rest his head on his chest.

"I want proper marriage proposal" Jungkook announced nudging Taehyung's head who gave him ok sign with his hand.

"But first I want proper dating proposal" Taehyung said poking in middle of Jungkook's chest to which Jungkook replied with ok sign.

They both sat up facing eachother with a serious face and shakes hand "It's a deal then"


Isn't it amazing, how people can feel like home.


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