Chapter 47

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"So what you wanna have for dinner?" Jungkook asked they walked down the footpath of the busy roads of the Seoul city.

Taehyung put his free hand's pointed finger on his chin making a thinking face as his other hand is held by older. Jungkook stopped as he looks at Taehyung he bite his inner cheek to control himself and not to just jump on the adorable human infront of him and kiss the hell out of him in public.

"Fried chicken? And pasta?" Taehyung suggested but then his eyes sparkled and he jumped a little while adding "Oh and icecream as well!" Younger wanted to take full advantage of the fact that Jungkook is allowing him to eat outside food, well there's some disadvantage of being Doctor Jeon Jungkook's boyfriend and not eating outside food or may I say unhealthy according to Jungkook is the biggest one but he doesn't mind that as long as he have older.

And that's it Jungkook can't control his urge to just push Taehyung to the wall and kiss him as he stepped forward and cups younger's cheeks while maintaining an eye contact with stunned Taehyung, he leaned towards younger's lips and just as their lips were about to meet they heard squealing sounds.

Snapping their head towards their right they saw a group of five girls squealing among themself looking at them. The girls gasped when they saw the couple looking at them.

"Please don't mind us! Go back kissing and let us live our BL moment" one of them wearing a oversized yellow sweater alongwith loose light blue pants shouts.

"Yes! Think of us as a part of the wall" other one shouts standing beside the yellow sweater girl. All those five girls leached themself to the wall covering their side of face but both Jungkook and Taehyung can see them peaking from between their fingers.

Heat rushed to both of their faces they immediately pulled away coughing as they look around feeling too shy. They saw those girls making disapproval sounds. Feeling too much embarassment and all jiggly in stomach Jungkook held Taehyung's hand and run in the opposite direction of the girls who were waiting to get their live bl moment.

While running a laugh escaped Taehyung's lips as he recoils the events in his head again and again. Jungkook looked over his shoulder as he was running ahead of the younger and chuckles. They slowed down when they saw they were quite far away from the group of girls.

They both leaned on the side wall of the footpath laughing wholeheartedly. Some people passing them give them pleasing look seeing two stranger boys having the fun time of their life and some grunts thinking what could be so fun in the Sunday evening knowing that they all have to get back to work next monday morning, typical grumpy people.

Their eyes falls on the convenience store accross the road. They shared a look seeing the same store they went in on their first date "Let's visit our favourite cashier, what's say?" Jungkook said.

"Oh hell yeah" Taehyung beamed, grabbing Jungkook's hand he dragged the male. Jungkook had a tight grip on younger's hand and crossed the road carefully. They reached the infront of the store.

Entering in they saw not many people is present at the time, perfect. They can look around a little bit or maybe chat with the cashier guy without any problem.

"Oh if it is not my favourite couple" A voice chipped. They saw the same guy at the cashier counter wearing white hoodie and black trousers with pink cap, their face lit up seeing familiar face "Oh and if it is not our favourite cashier" they chipped back with same enthusiasm making the cashier guy giggles.

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