Chapter 53

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Just as Jungkook put his phone away after talking with Taehyung, his phone again lit up. He saw it was Jimin who was calling him. So he picked the call.


"Kook! Thank you for the icecream!"

"Haha no need hyung"

"By the way why you didn't came to it eat with us?"

"Ah actually I was feeling a little bit tired after the meeting so just thought to go back to room, I'll join you all some other day" He didn't mentioned about his headache to Jimin, knowing his hyung, Jimin would end up coming to check on him and he doesn't want to bother Jimin or anyone with his little headache. So he simply decided to tell the older that he's just little tired and that's all.

"Aww man it would be wonderful if you were here as well, anyways, are you ok tho? Like should I send Taehyung back as well if you are feeling too tired?"

"Ah no need hyung, let him be with you all. I'm just a little tired so I'll just sleep it off i guess? Besides i don't want him to skip his work because of me"

"Fine but if you need something just ring anyone of us"

"Alright mama hen now stop chipping and go back in your nest." He couldn't help but tease the older.


He chuckled shaking his head after cutting the call. Checking the time one last time he put his phone on the bed side table and stood up to switch the lights off. He then switched on very dim night bulb as to not let the room completely dark.

He then slide under the covers, sighing at the softness of the mattress he soon fall asleep in a hope to get rid of his headache once he woke up.

Just like that two hours passed with Jungkook sleeping in a dimly lit up room with air conditioner on. The room was comparatively cold due to the air conditioner but still Jungkook was tossing and turning in his bed drenched in sweat.

He frowned in his sleep when he couldn't breathe breathe properly, he's having difficulty in breathing as the time passes. After few minutes passing with him struggling to breathe and tossing here and there in bed, he snapped his eyes open with a loud gasped. He sat up while trying to inhale as much as possible to stop the suffocation he's feeling at the moment.

He hold his head when a sudden and a sharp pain strik in his head, he groaned "... fucking hell"

He removed the covers in order of climb down of the bed. His feet came in contact with the cold tiled floor of the room. Still holding his head he stood up but almost immediately stumbled as he felt his legs wobbled, luckily he stabled himself by putting his one hand on the bed.

He closed and open his eyes shaking his head trying to come in his senses. He suddenly feel nausea and gagged, he let out a curse and somehow reached the washroom door as he can feel a lump forming in his throat.

He was quick to stumbled beside the toilet seat and emptied his stomach. He coughed hard once he done vomiting everything out from his stomach. He wince at the bitter feeling in his mouth.

He fell backwards breathing heavily, with so much difficulties he rosed himself on his feets and switched on the washroom's light. First he flushed the fluid he just spit out making a disgusted face and gag again but nothing came out this time.

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