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[Jacob POV]

It's currently Thursday at 8:30 am, and I'm checking Luca out exactly on time. I made sure.
"Just need a copy of your driver's license, and then I can take you back to the unit to sign him out and stuff," She explained as I handed over my ID. She photocopied it, handed it back, and led me through many locked doors until we reached the unit. She opened a door to the common area they stayed in during their free time and had me stay in the hallway. But I could see through the bog glass pane in the door, and everyone in the common room could see me.
"Luca, come on! You're getting discharged," She called, holding the door open with one hand. He quickly hugged two guys and said bye before getting up and following her back out to the hallway.
"Jacob!" He exclaimed as soon as he saw me, smiling big and wrapping his arms around me. I kissed his forehead and took his hand, leading him to the nurses counter to sign papers.

As the people in the facility started lining up against the wall to leave somewhere, we had only just finished signing and were waiting on our copies. Which actually takes longer than you'd expect. At some point, I had spaced out and was just staring off at a wall until I heard Luca giggle a little bit. He turned his head back to face me, clinging onto my hand.
"What are you laughing at?" I asked, smiling back at him.
"One of my friends said you was pretty," He said, starting to fidget while we stood there.
"And you don't?" I asked, teasing him.
"I do!" He quietly protested. As of now, he's in the little black shorts he first got sent here in, which honestly got me more aroused than it should've. I've just missed him, I guess.
"Here you go. All those can be used for an excused absence for whatever you need. Work, college, GED. It works for mostly all of it," She said, handing the thick stack of papers over the counter.
"Thank you so much," I thanked her as she led us out a back door. Probably so the residents couldn't prop the door open when she opened the main one, letting them try to run.

She waved us goodbye for a second as we left to the parking lot before turning and heading back inside. I unlocked the car and got in the driver's side, watching him eventually get in on his own.
"Baby!" Luca suddenly shouted, reaching over for me. I helped him sit up on my lap, letting him hold onto me close.
"I've really missed you," He softly whined.
"I did too, baby. Did you miss me more when you called me?" I asked, alluding just a little bit to the first phone call he made here.
"Just maybe..." He cheekily said.
"We've only got half an hour before we need to leave if we want to be on time for my mom's cookout," I commented. He sat up right and gently kissed my lips, but it didn't stay that way for long. It very quickly got hot and desperate.
"Jakey~" He desperately moaned, grinding his erection against my thigh.
"You horny little bitch," I degraded him, grabbing his hips and making him go faster. He held his hand up to his mouth, biting down to keep from moaning. But, there's just the workers' cars in this parking lot. And all of them are inside the building.

"You've been gone all week. Don't make me wait until we get to my mom's house to drag you off and fuck you just so I can hear you," I dominately said. He moved his hand and rested his head on my shoulder, continuing to desperately rub his hard on against my jeans.
"Mmm~ a-ah!" He suddenly groaned, cum shoot into his boxers and making his shorts get a little wet. He quickly slowed down, so I didn't hold his hips as hard as I previously was. Him moaning is so fucking hot, it sends blood straight to my cock. But, I didn't try and get myself off. When we get home, maybe he'll be in the mood again. And if he isn't, I have a few pictures he let me take that were erotic so I can get myself off then.
"You feel better? Your dick doesn't miss me as bad, right?" I asked, smiling and helping him back to his passenger side.

I pulled into my mom's driveway, quickly parking and shutting off the car. Luca really wasn't feeling social all of a sudden, but he managed to.
"Luca! Give me a hug!" My mom exclaimed as I led him to the backyard. He awkwardly smiled and let her pull him onto a hug, trying his best to be polite.
"Go get a plate, Hun. People are just eating as they get here," She encouraged him. He looked back at me nervously, so I went with him to get both out plates.
"You need more than just Mac and Cheese. You're gonna be hungry," I told him.
"I-I don't wanna get stuff I don't like, and then her be mad I didn't like it," He tried to explain.
"If I put it on my plate, will you eat it? That way, if you don't like it, I throw it out," I suggested. He nodded a little bit, rubbing his eyes. I doubt they let him take naps in there, so he's thrown all off schedule now. I loaded my plate with what I knew I and liked and thought Luca might, sitting down next to my uncle who's selling the truck.

This entire "cookout" is almost like a copy of Fourth Of July minus the display of fireworks at the end of the day, so kids are running around with Sparklers and shit. But, at one point, one of them got really mad that Jazmine kept putting out her sparkler.
"Jazmin Rain, you either keep it lit or quit asking us to light them!" Her mom shouted while walking up next to us. She pouted and threw it on the ground. She didn't ask us to light her one for the rest of the night.
"Baby, you really should eat," I commented to Luca as people started playing card games on the back porch.
" 'm not hungry... I feel icky," He said, looking away from whoever he was looking at.
"Luca, why can't you just eat it?" I asked, suddenly upset. He was just inpatient at Meadows. He should be better.
"I feel like something bad is gonna happen," He quietly said, holding his stomach. Before I could keep being upset at him, his phone rang. He pulled it out of his back pocket, quickly picking up.
"Do you need somethin?" He asked, pulling his knees up to his chest and glancing over at me. I could see his face change in real time.

[Luca POV]
When my phone rang, it was an unknown number. But the second he started talking, I knew who it was. My dad.
"You need to get home now. Your mom is having a nervous breakdown that you hate her! You're a selfish little bitch, this is the least you could do for her!" He exclaimed.
"I-I-" Was as far as I got when he hung up. It's too loud, way too loud. I can't tell what I'm feeling. I'm fucking angry and hurt and confused to say the very least. I slammed my phone down on the table and got up, walking to the car. There's too much going on right now. I can't breathe, and I got a little forceful setting down my phone.
"What's wrong?" Jacob quickly asked, following me with my phone.
"Why does she want me to go see her!?" I angrily asked, on the verge of tears.
"I don't understand her!"
"Baby, she's not a good person. I know you don't want to hear that, but as a mom this isn't what she's supposed to be like. Luca, normal parents don't assault you, then the next day ask for you back," He explained.
"I want her to be normal!" I cried, letting Jacob pull me into a hug whenever he tried to.
"Do you wanna go home..?" He softly asked, making me nod. I don't want his family to see me crying... especially when it's most of his family's first time meeting me.

His mom came running out to us from the backyard, pulling me into a hug, too.
"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked me. I didn't want to explain it again, so I just shook my head.
"His mom literally hit him last week, and now she's begging to see him," Jacob said for me.
"Lukey...." She whispered before leaning up and kissing my cheek.
"I-I'm okay," I shakily tried to assure her, wiping my cheeks.
"You come by whenever you need. Don't even matter is Jacob's with you," She told me before wishing me goodbye and waving to us as Dady pulled out of her driveway. I need cuddles. So that's all I begged for when we got inside.

"Hold you," I whimpered, throwing myself into his lap after tearing my shoes off my feet.
"Shhh. I'm not going anywhere..." He soothed me. I held myself in his lap since it made me feel a little better.
"My baby... You're mine. You're so special, so sweet, so handsome. You're here with me," He cooed at me. It made me feel little. Like, small enough that I didn't know barely any words other than Dady, mine, and no.
"Mmm..." I whined as he shifted. I was so comfy.
"Bubba," He giggled, relaxing against the couch. "Are you tiny?" I'm sure it was just to make me smile, but it sure worked.

"Dady," I sounded out, grasping onto his shirt.
"Oh, you're little," He said, emphasizing 'little'. I giggled and started biting just cause. It went from biting at nothing just to make the sound, so chewing Dady's arm.
"You're a little shark, you know that?" He asked after I deemed I was done biting. I had bit him all over his left arm, but there were a few places I really favorited where my Canine's made deeper marks than the rest of my teeth.
" 'ark!" I slurred, copying Dady but forgetting the 'sh' sound.

When he made me go to sleep, I wasn't having it.
"Baby, lay down. Go lay down. You gotta sleep," He instructed.
"No!" I decided, pouting.
"You want Dady to sleep with you?" He asked, making me take a second to think before I just blurted out no again. It sounded very tempting, so I nodded and reached for him. He smiled and willingly scooped me up, holding me close.
"Bababababababababa," I babbled, making him kiss my lips.
"You gotta be quiet to sleep," He reminded me, smiling. He was right, so I quit talking to try and sleep like he told me.

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