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[Jacob POV]

In the middle of my shift, right after my lunch break, I had a table of girls. One of them being newly 21 since her friends were all wishing her happy 21st birthday with frozen margaritas.
"Hi, y'all. I'm Jacob. I'm gonna be taking care of you today -" I got mostly through with my speil before she told me I looked strong. I told myself that if I could just get through this, they'll hopefully tip big.
"Aw, thank you. Um, can I get you guys something to drink?" I asked, seriously telling myself to be nice. Very nice.

"You got a girlfriend?" She eventually asked as I set the check on the table. I shook my head a little. I didn't want to tell her I'm gay in case she's a homophobe, but I didn't wanna say yes and possibly make her not tip. She smiled and thanked me for the check before letting me walk away. I came across Jane behind the bar and felt the need to loop her in. Mostly, just cause I wanted to talk to her.
"I think this chick at my table is hitting on me," I said, walking up next to her. The few people actually at the bar were all watching the TV. I have no idea what they're watching.
"Shit, better tip you good," She commented, drying a glass.
"That's what I'm saying. Had to tell her I wasn't dating a chick cause I need that cash. Just didn't mention my boyfriend," I said, smiling a little at the end.
"You better tell him when you get home," She warned me.
"I will. I should go run my plates, though," I mumbled, pushing myself off the bar.

When I collected their check and returned their cards, she tipped me 20 dollars. I instantly shoved it in my jean pocket before waving to them as they left. I looked at the extra copy of the receipt and noticed she had her number jotted down on it. I didn't want to ask her on a date or anything, but I felt like I should at least text her a thank you and say I actually have a boyfriend. On my drive home, I decided to give her a call.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Hey, you gave me your number. The waiter," I explained, making her gasp.
"Oh my God! Hi! Do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?" She asked.
"I can't, sorry. My boyfriend and I have plans tonight," I half lied. I didn't wanna make it sound mean by just saying no.
"Oh shit, I didn't know you were gay. My bad," She apologized, sounding a little defeated.
"I just wanted to say thank you for the tip," I said, getting a little your welcome.
"Hey, I gotta go. I'm pulling into my driveway," She excused herself before hanging up. I shrugged and decided to text my baby.

He got a little jealous when I was texting him, so I came home, and he instantly pulled me into a heated kiss. I groaned and gently shoved him up against the counter, beginning to rub my dick against him. I couldn't help it that I got hard.
"I don't wanna share you," He whimpered. I lifted him up on the counter, unzipping his jeans.
"You don't have to share me. I only want you, baby," I moaned, rubbing his nipples.
"Mmm! Fuck," He cried, bucking his hips up and rubbing on my thigh.
"Aw you gonna cum?" I degradingly asked. He nodded a little, so I pulled my leg away, starting to strip down my jeans. He followed suit and yanked down his shorts.

I didn't waste any time in making him spit on my cock so I could slam it in him.
"Come here, baby," I huskily said, helping him down from the counter and shoving his against it. His face laid on the cold marble.
"I'm gonna fuck a baby into you," I dirtily commented, making him giggle.
"I can't," He told me cheekily.
"Watch me," I defied, pushing myself into him.

Listen. I know it's physically impossible for him to be pregnant, but it was still funny to say. However, since I prefaced the sex with that, I was pretty rough with him. But it seemed like he was really into it. Especially with the number of times he came. Afterward, though, he said he was really sad and needed to cuddle me. But, I needed to go talk to Karmin. While Luca was inpatient, I ran into Karmin, and we ended up talking. He felt really bad he yelled at Luca and was wanting to try and apologize. I may have forgotten to tell Luca.
"We gotta go talk to Karmin," I said. I thought I was reminding him, but apparently, I never told him.
"Huh..?" He quietly asked, glancing at his left arm where he still had the lacerations healing.
They're still pretty bad. Yes, they're healing, but not fast. He did a number on his arm. He made the face I've learned to recognize as the face he makes when he's gonna cry.
"He don't like me!" He cried, pressing his head into my chest.
"Baby, he said he's sorry. He does like you. You don't have to forgive him, but he doesn't hate you," I explained.

"Don't pick," I firmly told him as he started pulling at the edge of the glue. He reluctantly stopped as Karmin's door opened.
"Hi," I greeted him.
"Lukey! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to yell, I swear," Karmin instantly apologized, pulling Luca into a hug. They're pretty close in height, but Karmin's maybe an inch taller. I didn't mind that Karmin didn't say hi back to me. I know he's just sorry about Luca.
"Lukey..." He whispered as he saw his arm, running his thumb over the thick glue.
"Is okay! I okay," Luca quickly tried to say, pulling his arm away, obviously falling into his headspace.
"If you wanna talk, I'm here. Alright?" Karmin said as I leaned against the doorframe.
"Mtays," Luca mumbled, letting himself be pulled into a hug.
"I should go to bed cause I work tomorrow, but I'll see you," Karmin said before kissing Luca's cheek and saying bye. The second Karmin shut the door, I kissed over where he had on Luca. I just didn't like that. I don't think I have a valid reason behind it.

"Dady," He whined, reaching up for me. I hadn't even made it halfway up the stairs, so I sighed and went all the way back down. I picked him up and held him like a little toddler, groaning as I went back up again.
" 'ank you!" He giggled, laying his head on me. To be honest, it made it worth it. I opened the front door again and dropped him on the couch, making him giggle hard and reach up for me.
"Again?" He asked. So I did. How was I gonna say no with his cute little face looking up at me like that? He ended up asking me to do it again, like 20 times.
"Again?" I asked, laughing a little as he reached up for me.
"My arms hurt," I complained to him, sitting down next to him on the couch. He quickly climbed into my lap, rocking himself and chewing in his hand.
"You need your teether, baby," I sighed.
"Nuu!" He whined, pouting at me. So I didn't push it. I wonder why he likes to bite so much.

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