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Next day when Jungkook came to Korea, he hurriedly went towards Taehyung. When he witnessed the sight of Yeonjun and Taehyung cuddling together he felt relieved. The two most important people in Jungkook's life.He came towards them and sat on the bed slowly. He clicked their picture. Jungkook went inside bathroom and took shower. He changed into comfortable clothes. He again sat on the bed and kissed both Taehyung's and Yeonjun's forehead. Yeonjun woke up. When he opened his eyes he saw Jungkook.

"Hyung..." Yeonjun said. Jungkook looked at him. Yeonjun hugged Jungkook. Jungkook hummed.

"When did you come?" Yeonjun asked.

"Almost 1 hour before." Jungkook said.

"You stay here. I will go now..." Yeonjun said.

"If you want you can stay Jun..." Jungkook said.

"He needs you the most..." Yeonjun sighed. Yeonjun caressed Taehyung's head.

"Also Soobin is here. I will go to him." Yeonjun completed and went outside after locking the door.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung. He laid on the bed, while putting his arm on Taehyung's waist. Taehyung snuggled closer to him. Jungkook embraced him. He just wants to protect Taehyung from all the bad and evil in the world. He kissed Taehyung's forehead and closed his eyes.

After some time Taehyung woke up. He squirmed and opened his eyes. He looked at Jungkook and smiled. Jungkook opened his eyes due to movement.

"Good Morning Bub..." Jungkook said groggily. Taehyung chuckled.

"It's afternoon Koo... When did you come?" Taehyung asked.

"When my baby was in his dreamland..." Jungkook said. Taehyung got flashes of yesterday events. His mood dropped.

"Where is Junie? Does he hate me now? Was he here just because he was pitying me? Does he trust me now? Do you trust me?" Taehyung felt anxious. He was hyperventilating. Jungkook held him.

"Shh... Relax... I trust you... Jun trusts you... When I came he went outside... Soobin is here, right? And Yeonjun loves you... He can't hate you... Nobody can... I Love You..." Jungkook said. Tears welled in Taehyung's eyes. He broke down and chocked on a sob. He gripped Jungkook's t-shirt and cried hard.

"But My colleagues doesn't... Even... Ji... Jiminie doesn't... Maybe Jin Hyung too... Am I that bad?" Taehyung asked between his hiccups. Jungkook patted his hair and keep kissing his forehead.

"Shh... Calm down bub... You are the best person... You are not bad... I trust you... Jun, Soobin, Namjoon hyung, Hobi hyung... They trust you too... Ain't I enough for you? Aren't we important for you?" Jungkook asked softly. Taehyung shook his head.

"You are most important Kookie... You are more than enough... But they were my best friends..." Taehyung said in broken voice. Jungkook patted his head.

"Ok baby... We will see about the rumour... You go and get fresh... I will call Namjoon Hyung here for breakfast..." Jungkook said. Taehyung nodded and went inside bathroom.

Jungkook called Namjoon for breakfast. When Namjoon came, they greeted each other.

"How are you Tae?" Namjoon asked Taehyung. Taehyung was like little brother to Namjoon.

"Fine Hyung." Taehyung replied in small voice. Namjoon was feeling sad for the Taehyung. He was looking pale. They were eating their breakfast.

"I guess we need to wait... When Mrs. Choi get conscious, she will tell the truth... Because there were no cameras and other things. Also I don't know how much people will trust other evidences. There are not proofs, that's why police is not taking any action. It is good for us. But I will still try for other things. Tae you should ask your company to share your schedule on that day." Namjoon sighed.

"They will not help me. They are also thinking the same." Taehyung said.

"Hyung isn't there any other option?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't think so... I will try to solve this as soon as possible." Namjoon said.

"I will kill that Choi and the person who spread this rumour. I can do it." Jungkook said while griting his teeth.
Taehyung caressed Jungkook's hand softly and shook his head.

"No Jungkook... This will be mess... People will obviously doubt Taehyung or you for that matter... We can't do it now... Firstly truth should be out... I am taking reports of Mrs. Choi's health... I hope she will get well..." Namjoon said.

"Do whatever you want hyung... But it should be clear as soon as possible... After that I will show that bastard what does the hell means..." Jungkook said. When they were talking the bell rang. Taehyung went to open the door.

Taehyung open the door there was Seokjin with fuming anger. Taehyung invited him inside. Jin grabbed Taehyung's hand and turned him. Jin slapped him hard which made Taehyung to lose his balance. He fell on the floor and tears streamed from his eyes. Jungkook and Namjoon came outside because of the voice. Jungkook glared at Namjoon. Namjoon was disappointed in Jin.

"What are you still doing here? You are such a disappointment as a human... You are a shame... Leave Jungkook for good... You should just go and die,,," Jin was saying but he stopped because of Jungkook's loud voice.

"Shut Up Jin Hyung." Jungkook shouted and came near Taehyung. Jungkook was glaring at Seokjin. He helped Taehyung to get up. Seokjin gulped in fear. Taehyung was sobbing and Jungkook was shaking in anger.

"You don't have any right to talk about my fiancee like that. Mr. Kim. You should go if you want to insult my husband. I won't tolerate it." Jungkook said in his scary deep voice.

"Jungkook why are you behaving like that? You are like my small brother. I care about you. This bitch doesn't deserve you." Jin said.

"Then Taehyung is like my small brother Jin and you shouldn’t talk to him like that. I am warning you." Namjoon said.

"You manipulated tham right?" Jin shouted on Taehyung. Taehyung flinched in Jungkook's hold.

"Younger brother? Jin hyung? We know each other for not more than 4 years and you care for me. But you know this boy who is my fiancee for 20 years. You don't trust him. You don't care for him. And you expect me to trust your words? I don't need your care... I don't like fake people. You should go, you have done enough." Jungkook said dangerously. Namjoon signed Jin yo leave. Jin was hurt by Jungkook's words. Namjoon apologized Taehyung and Jungkook on behalf of Jin and left.

Jungkook looked at the Taehyung who was shivering. He picked up Taehyung in bridal style and went in their room. Taehyung started crying and Jungkook felt hurt as he couldn't protect him.

"Shh baby... Calm down...." Jungkook was mumbling.

"Koo.... Kookie... It's hurting...." Taehyung said between his hiccups.

"Where bub?" Jungkook asked concernedly while detaching himself from Taehyung.

"My hand... Yesterday... when Jimin pushed me... I fell on my right hand.... And it got sprain... And today again... when Jin hyung... slapped me I fell on my right hand..." Taehyung said between his sobs.

"I will never forgive them... How could they hurt you?" Jungkook said. He was angry, sad, disappointed and hurt. He looked at Taehyung who was looking pale. He had fever. Taehyung was his first priority now.

"I will call Doctor." Jungkook said and called Doctor. Taehyung was sleeping.

ALWAYS BY YOUR SIDE...💜❤️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat