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Next Morning Taehyung came to his company. Everyone was giving him smile and asking about his well being. He just gave a curt nod. He was walking with his head held high and emotionless face. Noone was used to Taehyung's this kind of attitude. He went in his CEO's cabin. CEO got up from his chair and smiled at V.

"Welcome V. How are you? We decided to give you promotion. You have lots of offers. We are glad to have you with us. Let's extend the contract." Mr.Park who was CEO said. Taehyung smirked and sat in front of CEO.

"I am not continuing with your company. I am here to give my resignation and complete formalities if any." Taehyung said.

"What are you saying V? You are our best model." Mr. Park said.

"You remember it now Mr. Park? When I asked you to post my schedule on the day when Choi's rumour started, you didn't help me. You were even going to fire me, because of that rumour. Don’t I know that the rumours from company were spreaded by you? Would news company believe some rumours from junior employees unless they have a backup?" Taehyung said in his deep voice. His eyes were dark. Mr. Park gulped in fear.

"What are you saying V? Why would I downgrade my own Artist? About releasing your schedule, I thought about company's reputation. You know how does it work." Mr. Park said. V chuckled bitterly.

"Oh... You think I am naive right? What do you think? I ignore it, doesn't mean I don't know it. I am not stupid who doesn't know anything happening around me. And why would you downgrade me? Um... Yes because you don't want your Artist to become big name than your company. Or maybe because you want your daughter to be the best model. Ain't I right?" V asked.

"Don't forget I made you. Who even knew you? I created the brand name V. Whatever success you have now is because of me. Be respectful." Mr. Park angrily said.

"What a joke Mr. Park... You made me? Really? I made myself from my hardwork. I was always company's last priority. It was me who made this agency well known. You didn't even gave me projects. It was all me. I would still have been successful without your company. I chose the agency, agency didn't chose me. And that is the difference. So choose your words wisely. And don't raise your voice at me." Taehyung said sternly.

"What do you want V?" Mr. Park asked defeatedly.

"Mr. Park I really want to resign. Accept  my resignation. And wouldn't it be beneficial for your daughter? It's good deal for both of us. I promise I won't say a bad word about the company outside. You are a businessman, you know profit and number games better than me." Taehyung said. Mr. Park understood the threat behind those words.

"Ok. But not a word should go outside this room." Mr. Park said. Taehyung smiled.

"It was easy, wasn't it? Thank You so much Sir.... Here..." Taehyung smiled sweetly and handed over his resignation. Mr. Park sighed. He knew many companies will cancel their contract and projects without V. But he can't do anything now.

Taehyung came outside of CEO'S cabin. He felt good. He went inside his changing room for the last time. There were some memories. He sat there for some time. Some tears fell from his eyes, but he was smiling. He felt relieved. He wiped his tears and said goodbye to his this life. Taehyung was going to close this chapter of his life. There were many beautiful memories, but he still decided to leave it all behind. He remembered many precious moments. He posted a message announcing his retirement from modeling. He posted the news with his photo wall.

"Hello everyone this is Kim Taehyung, your 'V'. I want to announce my retirement from modeling. Thank you all for supporting me. I will always be grateful for the love you gave me. My every achievement is because of you. Now I want to stop. I am not continuing to be a model. It was Good time while it lasted. I have many good memories. But now I just want to focus on my personal life. Thank you so much.
-Goodbye from V..."

In less than 2 minutes, V was trending worldwide. Many people were apologizing. Many people were appreciating his choice. Some were there to troll him. Many people gave him good wishes for his future. Many theories were given. It became the biggest news. But Taehyung didn't care now. He did what he wanted. He returned to their home. Jungkook was waiting for him in living room. Taehyung smiled at him. Jungkook hugged him.

"Baby... Are you fine?" Jungkook asked.

"Ofcourse Kook... Now what about my surprise?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook chuckled.

"Ok My Princess. I will show you your surprise. Close your eyes." Jungkook said. Taehyung closed his eyes. Jungkook tied a cloth on Taehyung's eyes softly.

"Koo..." Taehyung whispered.

"Shh..." Jungkook shushed him by pecking his lips.

"Baby... Just trust me, okay?" Jungkook asked in his husky voice. Taehyung gulped and nodded slowly. Taehyung yelped in surprise when Jungkook suddenly picked him up in bridal style.

"You should have warned me muscle bunny." Taehyung scolded Jungkook.

"Sorry Love... Let's go..." Jungkook said while kissing Taehyung's forehead.

After couple of minutes Taehyung's feet touched the ground. He stood up. Jungkook untied the cloth from Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung gasped. It was a room, specially made for painting. Jungkook made the studio for him. There were all equipments. Also there was enough sunlight. There was a small bookshelf with Tae's favorite books. At one side there was a couch. There was some plants. There were also painting equipments. The room was bright. With all the necessities. Everything was according to Taehyung's taste. Taehyung became emotional. Jungkook backhugged him. He knew Taehyung liked it.

"Bub... Do you like it? If you want, we can change it..." Jungkook asked softly. Taehyung hugged Jungkook and sniffed. Taehyung shook his head.

"I Love it... You are so nice... I am lucky to have you... Sometimes I think I am not worthy of your Love Koo... But I love you..." Taehyung said. Jungkook patted Taehyung's head.

"I am the lucky one here bub... And don't cry my baby bear... I don’t like to see you crying... I didn't do it to make you cry... I wanted to make you happy. You are making me sad. Please smile for me." Jungkook said.  Taehyung wiped his tears hastily and gave a smile to Jungkook. Jungkook smiled fondly at his innocent bear.

"Thank you so much Koo... I really loved it... When did you do it? We came home yesterday." Taehyung asked.

"I asked some people to work on it from last 2 nights. Also yesterday all equipments were delivered. It was done before yesterday evening. I wanted to show you last night but then I decided to show you today... Surprise isn't over yet bub..." Jungkook said. Taehyung was speechless. Jungkook held Taehyung's hand. They came infront of the door in the room. There was a password. Jungkook dialed Taehyung's birthdate and door opened. They went inside. Jungkook switched on some lights.. Taehyung was shocked. The room was like an empty art museum. He really couldn't understand how Jungkook managed all this. But more than that he was shocked because of Jungkook's thoughtfulness.

"Whenever you complete your work, you can put it in here. Also whenever you will feel like if you want to organize exhibition, we can set it up here for reviewing. It would be helpful." Jungkook said. Taehyung ran to Jungkook and jumped on him. Jungkook held Taehyung. Taehyung kissed Jungkook.

"Thank you so much Kook.... I Love You alot... I don’t even have words to describe how beautiful it is... I can't thank you enough to show how grateful I am... Jeon Jungkook you are the best person anyone could have... I have you... I really am lucky. I Love You So Much...." Taehyung said.  Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead.

"I Love You So Much too... I can't describe my love for you in words baby..." Jungkook said.

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