⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 1𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 4904
Listen while you read? I recommend: Everywhere You Look by The Hit Crew

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Sarah walked behind her father and who held on of her sisters hands as they entered the house after putting the bags in the cab as their grandmother Claire came down the stairs after putting Michelle down.

"Let's go,mom, your bags are in the cab. The meter's running." Her father said as they crossed the front door threshold meeting grandma in the living room.

She sighed before talking "The baby's sleeping like a baby." She said with a smile put it formed into a sad one as she looked at her granddaughter's "oh, my angels!" She cried and crouched down

"Oh, grandma!" Her little sister yelled as they ran to grandmas embrace, Sarah giggled at her sister's and step up standing next to her father side

"I'm gonna miss you"Grandma said as she held the girls Sarah watched with a smile as her dad stepped forward off the main entrance steps and grabbed Steph and placed her beside Sarah

"Honey, grandma's gotta go." He said reaching for DJ, Sarah couldn't help but giggle as he reached for DJ he missed Steph running back to continue to hug grandma

"Grandma's really gotta go." He tried again with DJ

"I'm just gonna miss you so." Grandma said holding Steph once again.

"Oh, boy, does grandma gotta go." He tired once again pulling the second youngest away from grandma this time putting her in the arms of her big sister and almost immediately DJ ran back to grandma.

"Oh, you know, Danny, Danny I don't have to go back home." She said holding the second oldest Tanner daughter to her as she stood up.

"Yay!" Both her sisters said jumping with joy, Danny looked to his oldest who was holding back giggles and didn't help as he rolled his eyes slightly before turning back to his home talking as he stood.

"Uh, mom, this isn't how we rehearse this last night." He stepped off the entrance platform wrapping an arm around his mom "Uh...let's take a little walk, okay?"

DJ and Steph walked with them
"No you know as well as I do." He started before turning to look at the girls who rolled their eyes before making way towards Sarah still standing by the door who wrapped her arms around both her sister's shoulders holding them closer to her as they hugged her waist.

"Mom, look...it's time to go home." Dad started holding grandma shoulders "You've been taking care of us since Pamela died. Uh, I don't know how we would have made it through the past three months without you."

Sarah smiled sweetly at the scene as she placed a motherly hand on her sons cheek
"Oh." She said sadly knowing what was coming

"But dad needs you, too. You remember dad, don't ya? Your husband." He said getting a laugh from the girls "Kinda balding and glasses and wears his boxer shorts up around his neck." That time he got a laugh out of grandma as they walked back towards the door.

"Mom, I've got everything under control. Help is moving in today." He said as he led grandma up to the entrance steps

"Well, if you need me, I'm on the next plane." Grandma said as DJ and Steph finally let go of their big sister allowing the girl to be wrapped up by the older Tanner this time. "Oh I'll miss you my baby, take care of your father and your sisters they're gonna need you."

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