⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 28𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 6142
Listen while you read? I recommend: Runnin' Down A Dream by Tom Petty

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"Hello?" She answered into her headset.

"Sweets?" The voice on the other line asked and before Sarah could hang up he couldn't to speak, "I got locked up and the guys are to fucked up to come bail me out your the only one I've got left in this city."

Sarah's heart sank as she recognized James' voice on the other end of the line. Despite the pain and uncertainty that lingered between them, she couldn't ignore the plea in his voice. Her concern for him overshadowed her own reservations, and without hesitation, she made up her mind.

"I'll be there," Sarah replied, determination lacing her voice. "Tell me where you are, and I'll come bail you out."

Her heart skipped a beat, concern flooding her thoughts. Without a moment's hesitation, Sarah sprang into action, putting aside any lingering doubts or uncertainties she had about James. She knew that he needed her, and she wasn't about to turn her back on someone in need.

James provided Sarah with the necessary details, and without wasting any more time, she quickly got her keys along with her wallet and made her way to the police station. The drive was filled with mixed emotions. Doubts and questions resurfaced. As Sarah entered the police station, she approached the front desk and explained the reason for her visit. The officer guided her through the necessary paperwork and procedures. With each passing minute, Sarah's anticipation grew. She couldn't deny the nervousness that fluttered in her stomach, but her determination to support James held strong.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the officer informed her that James can be released to her, Sarah's heart raced in her chest. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew that this encounter had the potential to change everything.

Minutes turned into what felt like hours as Sarah waited anxiously for James to be brought out. When he finally emerged, she was taken aback by the bruises and cuts on his face, evidence of the altercation he had been involved in. Sarah's heart ached at the sight of James' battered face. Without thinking, she reached out a trembling hand, her fingers gently tracing the bruises, a silent gesture of comfort and concern.

As the handcuffs were removed, Sarah's eyes locked with James', and without a word, she pulled him into a tight embrace. For a moment, James tensed up, his body rigid with surprise. But as the warmth of Sarah's embrace enveloped him, he slowly relaxed, his arms wrapping around her in return.

In that moment, words were unnecessary. The embrace spoke volumes - forgiveness, compassion, and a flicker of hope for a better future. Sarah could feel the weight of their past lifting, replaced by a sense of renewed connection and understanding.

Finally, with a shaky breath, Sarah pulled away slightly, her hands cupping James' face. Her gaze searched his eyes, seeking out the sincerity and remorse she desperately needed to see. Once she saw it she stepped away from him and she smacked his chest he winced a little but chuckled as he rubbed the spot she hit, this is the Sarah he expected.

"Go to the car now." She ordered him as an officer came out and handed over a bag of James possessions. James nodded, a mixture of gratitude and amusement in his eyes as he rubbed the spot where Sarah had hit him. He knew that her fiery spirit hadn't completely faded away, making what he wanted to do more plausible.

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