⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 33𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 5085
Listen while you read? I recommend: Tuesday Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd or the Metallica version is also acceptable.

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As the family gathers around the breakfast table, Danny, DJ, Steph, Uncle Jesse, and Joey excitedly chat about their work and school, catching up on each other's lives. The room is filled with a mix of laughter, jokes, and heartfelt conversations.

Michelle, who had been keeping the secret of Sarah and James' return, struggles to contain her excitement. She glances over at toward Sarah's room.

Danny notices Michelle's excited gaze and chuckles. "Michelle, what's got you so excited this morning?"

Michelle's eyes widen, realizing she almost let the secret slip. She quickly gathers her composure and replies, "Oh, nothing."

DJ, Steph, Uncle Jesse, and Joey exchange puzzled glances, but they decide not to press Michelle further, not wanting to spoil her anticipation.

As the family continues to enjoy their breakfast, Michelle's excitement grows with every passing minute. She can hardly contain her eagerness to reveal the surprise.

Just as the family's conversations continue to flow, Sarah calmly enters the room, wedding ring free, as if she hadn't been gone for a few months. The family, caught up in their own discussions, fails to notice her presence at first.

Sarah makes her way to the coffee pot, pouring a fresh cup for her dad. As she places it in front of him, Danny absentmindedly thanks her with a casual "thank you, sweetheart," not realizing that it's actually Sarah who has served him.

Danny takes a sip of his coffee, expecting the familiar taste, but as the hot liquid touches his tongue, his eyes widen in shock. He spews the coffee out, coughing and spluttering as he looks up, his gaze locking with Sarah's.

The room falls into a stunned silence as everyone turns their attention towards Danny, their confusion evident. DJ, Steph, Uncle Jesse, and Joey's eyes widen with disbelief as they take in the sight of Sarah standing before them.

"Miss me?" Sarah playfully questions her family, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The shock quickly dissipates as Danny springs into action, leaping from his seat and wrapping his daughter in a tight, engulfing hug, squeezing the air out of her.

Laughter and tears of joy fill the room as DJ, Steph, and Joey join in, surrounding Sarah in a warm embrace. The atmosphere is electric with happiness and relief, their reunion bringing a sense of completeness to their family.

Danny releases Sarah from the hug, his eyes glistening with tears of overwhelming joy. "Oh, Sarah, my sweetheart. You have no idea how much we've missed you."

As the father looks at his daughter she watches as his eyes shift from love to concern as the focus in on the cotton pad taped over some stitches, that's when he notices her blackening eye. "Sweetheart are you okay? What happened?"

Sarah's smile saddens, as her heart overflowing with love and gratitude but grief and sorrow sink to the bottom of it. "I'm okay I promise and I missed you all too, more than words can express."

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