⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 11𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 4359
Listen while you read? I recommend: Hit The Lights by Metallica

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Sarah entered the house, still chuckling at something the man behind her had said. They had just come back from grabbing burgers and cokes from a nearby diner. James smiled as he sipped his to-go coke, enjoying Sarah's laughter. However, he was taken aback when Sarah embraced a curly-haired boy he had never seen before.

"Cousin Stevie!" Sarah exclaimed with excitement.

"Cousin, Sarah!" The boy responded, his wide eyes reflecting surprise at how Sarah had transformed into a beautiful woman since he last saw her. His face turned slightly red from the encounter.

After they let go of each other, Sarah examined her cousin closely.

"What happened to your face? It got worse!" she teased, playfully poking his cheeks.

"Well, I got contacts, removed braces, cleared up acne, and discovered hair gel and cologne," he explained, relieved when she finally let go.

"None of that helped, because dude you fugly," she giggled, making it clear she was joking.

"And what happened to you?" Steve asked, unaware of the tension building between James and himself. James, standing behind Sarah, glared at Steve in response to the question.

"I found face wash and makeup," Sarah began, but Steve interrupted.

"Not that you need it."

James exhaled sharply, annoyed by the comment.

"You're hilarious, but trust me, I did. Oh, and I graduated, got a car, and found my second-best friend,besides Ames of course." Sarah replied cheerfully.

"Who's that?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A curling iron and hairspray," Sarah laughed, joined by Steve. Meanwhile, James huffed quietly behind her.

"Oh, Stevie, this is James Hetfield, my second-best friend," Sarah introduced.

Steve smiled uneasily and extended his hand to shake James's, but James continued to glare, causing Steve to retract his hand.

"We're going to listen to some tapes I need to review for work. See you later," Sarah said to her cousin, as she and James headed to her room.

"You don't need makeup, sweetheart," James commented, scratching the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact as they entered the room.

"You're too kind to me, Jams," Sarah replied with a smile, trying to downplay her feelings while secretly feeling her heart flutter.

As they settled into Sarah's room, James glanced around, taking in the familiar surroundings. He noticed the posters of her favorite bands adorning the walls and the stacks of notebooks filled with lyrics and song ideas. The room has been like a sanctuary to him as of lately, a reflection of Sarah's creative spirit. The past few weeks if he's been feeling down or they guys piss him off he just goes to her house and into her room to calm down.

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