⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 39𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 4850
Listen while you read? I recommend: Boys Don't Cry-Single Version by The Cure

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It wasn't long before the front door was pulled open and two of the four sisters stepped out, making a beeline to their oldest, whom they missed dearly.

"Sarah, you're back!" exclaimed the younger of the two, wrapping her sister in a tight hug. "We've missed you so much!"

The other sister joined in, adding, "It's been too quiet around here without you."

Sarah smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her as she embraced her sisters. "I've missed you both too," she said, her voice filled with affection.

DJ and Steph set off on helping Sarah back into the house, both carrying a few of her items back inside both talking her ears off about what she had missed while away. No one was in the living room as they passed to her room but she didn't miss the two pairs of eyes peaking out from behind the kitchen door that quickly shut when she looked at it.

"It's Becky and Joey, dad's been spending more time at work and Jesse has been doing show after show with his band we barely seen them since you left." DJ explained

After Sarah settled back in her old room after a few solo trips to her car as and carried back in a few collapsed boxes that she now had taped a few together ready to be filled with her belongings she knew she would be returning to her own home by nightfall or the morning the next day to just drop off a few boxes and some of her guitars with how much she was planning on boxing up today but she also knew she had to take it slow as she needed to speak to her family especially her uncle and father as she also had till James returned from tour.

As she finished closing up a now full box when a pair of small shoes entered her room looking up she saw her baby sister standing there looking at her confused.

"Hey Michelle." Sarah spoke with a soft voice and a wide smile happy to see her baby sister.

Michelle, who was now three years old, gazed up at Sarah with big, curious eyes. "Sissy, why are you packing your things? Are you leaving again?" she asked, her voice surprisingly clear and filled with concern.

Sarah paused, taken aback by Michelle's question and the maturity in her tone. Sarah and agreed with herself not to tell her family that is is a now a home owner till she confronted the first problem but she couldn't lie to her baby sister. She knelt down to her level and took her tiny hands in hers. "I'm not leaving forever, Michelle. I just need to go to my own home for a while. But I promise I'll come back to visit you often," Sarah explained gently, hoping to reassure her little sister.

Michelle nodded thoughtfully but the sadness was still on her face as she processed Sarah's words. "I will miss you," she replied, her expression showing a mix of tears and understanding beyond her years.

Sarah hugged Michelle tightly, feeling a wave of love and pride for her young sister's empathy.
"I'll miss you more, tell you what you can send some of your toys with me so that way when you come to visit you'll feel right at home."

Michelle's face brightened at Sarah's suggestion, her tears giving way to a hopeful smile. "Okay, Sissy! I'll pick out my favorite toys to send with you so you won't feel lonely at your home," she said, her voice filled with determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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