⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 5𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 3452
Listen while you read? I recommend: Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac

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"Metal Mayhem 98.3 FM - Bay Area Thunder! Keep rockin' and stay true, San Francisco! This is Sarah Tanner, reminding you to crank it up and never let the music die. As I sign off, there's only one song that can do it justice: Joan Jett & The Blackhearts' I Hate Myself for Loving You. Until next time, rock on!" With that, Sarah turned off her mic before leaving the studio room as her coworker got ready to take over as the next host.

As Sarah Tanner stepped out of the studio room, the vibrant energy of the music still reverberated in her heart. The neon lights of San Francisco illuminated the night as she made her way to the parking lot, ready to cruise down the streets in Trigger and get home to help Uncle Jesse prepare for her dads birthday in two days. As she sat in her the metallic beauty and turned the key. The silence around her vehicle was deafening, and her heart sank when she realized what had happened. Her car battery was dead.

With a sigh she rested her head against the steering wheel defeated, she knew she could leave trigger here the radio station was in a safe part of town plus the employee parking was fenced in but she didn't have a way home, the only person in the building was the current host and she was needed to do her job and not take Sarah home. Sarah walked back into the building to call the only person she could think of.

"Hello." Cliff voice rang though the receiver

"Hey Cliffy! Is James around?" She asked him

"Kinda Saz," Cliff answered with a chuckle

"What does kinda mean?" She asked knitting her eyebrows together

"He's around just not, well, he's passed the fuck out." Cliff told her makings her huff and sighed irritated as she rubbed her forehead

"Alright well, thank you." She said and went to say goodbye but the man stopped her

"Why what's up? You okay?" Cliff asked worried

"Yeah I'm fine just my car's battery is dead and I'm stuck at work." She explained

"Can you call AJ or your Dad or the other guys to get you?" He asked confused

"My Dad not even off work yet, Uncle Jesse and Joey are having enough problems and stuff to handle with my sisters, I don't wanna bug them by having to come get the adult daughter. And Ames is grounded" She explained while also trying to rack her brain of people she could call. Ames is grounded once again as her parents found her and her fling having sex in his car in the driveway one morning, they thought she was still in bed turns out she had snuck out the night before so that didn't go ever well either.

The line was silent for a moment and she debated hanging up but Cliff talked right as she pulled the phone away from her ear but thankfully she heard it

"Kirk and Lars are about to pass out, I have only had one beer, I'll come get you Saz, it's the radio station on Miners Way right?" He asked remembering James had told him where she works days ago

"Oh you don't have to do that Cliff I can find someone." She started

"Nonsense I won't hear the end of it if I don't, I'm on my way." He said before she could protest against it his had hung up the phone disconnecting the call she huffed and hung hers up as well and sat in front of the station waiting thankfully it was a nice evening.

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