⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 25𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 4808
Listen while you read? I recommend: Kids In America by Kim Wilde

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Returning to San Francisco was a tough time for the family as non wanted to leave the island paradise but school and work demanded they returned, Sarah hasn't had contact with Haikili since they said goodbye at the resort which was weeks ago now. The Tanner family was the usual crazy and drama filled days fit for a comedy sitcom.

From DJ first day at junior high and Sarah having to teach her the basics of makeup so she didn't look like a 50 year old in a pre teens body. Becky and Jesse had a huge argument which made them call their relationship quits till the two eldest Tanner girls helped them back together. Stephanie made fun of a boy at her school and she had to apologize to, which was hard for the young girl. Joey almost ruined Danny reputation on Wake Up, San Francisco.

Grandma Tanner came to visit and almost ended up moving in but it was all resolved before three girls were sharing a room. Michelle had graduated to a big girl bed which Sarah spent the night in helping her get used to it. Joey had a realization his career was approaching the 10 years deadline he had set for himself and actually did something good about it and did a skit on Ed McMahon. A stray dog wondered into the Tanners yard and immediately all four girls where begging to keep it, and they did and in turn had puppies on Jesse's bed and the owner of the dog was found and he came to collect his dog and her puppies and let the family keep one which was named Comet.

And today was already a wild one, Sarah is currently sitting outside watching her father and Joey teach Michelle how to play football as she was reflecting on what she would do for the night other than take her sister's to the Halloween carnival which was stringing up a whole bunch of emotions for the young adult who had been trying to down play them all day,  other than that she and Amelia had started talking like the used to again it's still new and still mending but it felt right. Sarah and yet to meet her daughter but she had a feeling that would change soon.

Danny and Joey had just taught Michell how to get a touchdown and how to spike the football and where both doing the Michelle shuffle when Jesse and Becky returned from their small grocery run.

"Underwear a little tight, boys?" The uncle asked snarky

"Hey, man, we were playing football with Michelle." Joey informed him.

"Oh, you two against Michelle?" Jesse asked looking at the kid who was currently sitting in her chair next to Sarah, "My money's on the kid."

"It just so happens I was a high jumper on the high school track team." Danny said trying to prove what? Sarah didn't fully know.

"And I got a letter in football and basketball." Joey added but the two oldest Tanners heads tilted as that statement didn't make sense as one was there to see those letters and the other had heard many stories from countless family members."

"Ahh!" Danny denied looking at his best friend and pointed out the true story, "That's because you were the school mascot, Ollie the Fighting Oyster."

"You were Ollie the Fighting Oyster?" Jesse asked with a laughed finding the situation quite hilarious.

"Okay, tough guy. What team were you on in high school?" Joey asked which got a crackle from the girl but as Jesse turned to glare at her she crossed her arms with a smirk waiting for him to answer which of course he didn't.

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