⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 27𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 6132
Listen while you read? I recommend: We Belong by Pat Benatar

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"Goooooood evening, San Francisco! Sarah Tanner here coming at ya here on Metal Mayhem on 98.3 FM - Bay Area Thunder" The girl spoke into her radio mic for the first time since she took a Christmas and new years break to go with her family to a family reunion in Colorado and they actually made this time. The bright on air light shining above her studio door where the in studio guest where waiting, Sarah looked down at the sheet in front of her reading it into her mic, "Now I'm not gonna sit here and talk you all to boredom this is Metal radio after all but he sure to stay in tune for our studio guest, San Fra~"

Her voice faltered a little as she read the bands name but she quickly recovered putting up on her professional face, with a clear of her throat she continued.

"San Francisco's own Metallica! Will be in house talking, answering questions and playing loud for us, till I sign off so be sure to call in any questions you have till then I'll leave you with KISS Tears Are Falling." The vocals of Paul Stanley flooded the channel and Sarah muted her mic knowing she had probably 15 minutes before her boss gave her the signal to talk again this time with Metallica joining her.

She didn't have time to prepare her self as the studio door open and a tall bassist accompanied by a shorter guitarist, the two men rushed in and tackled Sarah taking all three of them including her chair to the floor all of them laughing.

"Jesus Fock guys haven't seen the girl in ages and you're just gonna kill her like that." Lars commented with a smirk as he walked in before he jumped on top of the whole dog pile joining on the hug attack

"Oh fuck! You're gonna kill me!" Sarah laughed out her cheeks hurting from her wide smile. As the laughter subsided, Sarah found herself caught in a warm embrace with Cliff, Lars and Kirk. They had missed her more than they realized. Slowly getting up from the floor, they all gathered around, sharing stories and catching up on each other's lives.

Just as Sarah was regaining her composure, the studio door swung open once again, and in walked the man who had broken her. His presence brought a surge of mixed emotions to the room. Sarah's smile faltered slightly as she saw him approach.

"Hey, James," she greeted, her voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness.

James returned the greeting, his eyes meeting Sarah's briefly before he turned his attention to the others. "Good to see you," he said the greeting directed towards her but he didn't say it looked at her, his tone friendly but guarded. Cliff looked at Sarah with a smirk and an eye roll before he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

As front man watched Sarah interact with the others in the studio, a pang of jealousy tugged at his heart. He yearned to be the one offering her support and comfort, to be the person she turned to in times of need. But he knew that he had lost that privilege, that he had shattered the trust that once held them together.

"It's amazing to see you Saz." Cliff corrected and the two shared a smile. The atmosphere in the room shifted as they settled into their chairs, ready to go live on air. The red on-air light illuminated, and Sarah's voice filled the radio waves once again. "And we're back, San Francisco! This is Metal Mayhem on 98.3 FM - Bay Area Thunder, and I'm your host, Sarah Tanner. Joining me in the studio is none other than the legendary Metallica!"

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