⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩Chapter 37𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚.

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Word count: 4028
Listen while you read? I recommend: Our House by Madness and Pride by U2

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Sarah followed silently after Michelle as the entered the living room where their father sat on the floor in front of a cork board with multiple sticky notes on it. Sarah stood behind her father and covered his eyes while her baby sister excitedly asked.

"Daddy, guess who?" She questioned excitedly to do a little bit of shenanigans with her big sister.

"Uh, is it Big Bird?" The father asked with a smile

"No, silly." Michelle answered with a giggle that Sarah matched.

"Okay, then I give up. Who is it?" He asked with a chuckle and at that que Sarah removed her hands and kneeled down next to her sister where they hugged each other while both answered

"Your favorite daughters!" They both said with wide grins and giggles.

"Oh, my sweets, you fooled me again." Danny said in mock shock before beckoning them closer and he kissed both their cheeks before a question plagued his mind.

"What are you two doing up in the middle of the night?" He asked making Sarah furrow her eyebrows in confusion but Michelle answered before she could.

"The sun woke me up." The baby Tanner informed their father.

"What sun? It's only.." he dragged off to look at his watch.

"7:30." Sarah informed her father watching as his eyes widen in realization.

"Girls, I forgot to go to sleep. I-I was checking the schedule for my big telethon. And it's a good thing I did, cause in hour 17 I booked back-to-beck tap dancers. That's tune-out city. And then-" he continued to rambled

"Dad?" Sarah interrupted him.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He asked

"It's 7 in the morning, you talk too much." The eldest daughter told him

"I agree." Michelle said before heading towards the kitchen.

"It's been important to be a good listener." Danny told his daughters but Michelle answered for both of them.

"Maybe next time." She remarked before disappearing into the kitchen, Sarah laughed at her sister's words before looking at her dad.

"I'll go make a pot of coffee." She said standing up and giving her dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He said as she left and he returned to the cork board. The day unfolded in a whirlwind of activity as the Tanner family prepared for the telethon airing the next day. Sarah and Jesse assisted their father, Danny, in organizing the last-minute details while balancing the chaos of the household. As the clock ticked closer to the start of the event, the house buzzed with energy and anticipation.

In the midst of the preparations, Sarah found a quiet moment to slip away and call James. As she spoke with him, her voice filled with warmth and tenderness, she shared the excitement of the upcoming telethon and the joy of being part of something so meaningful. James's encouraging words and unwavering support filled her with a sense of calm and determination.

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