Chapter 6

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We ended up at a local dive bar, per Josh's leadership, crowded in a corner with drinks in our hands. I watched Jake finish the last gulp of his second beer. 

"Brookyln, how long were planning to hide behind that shy, nervous facade? Cause I don't believe that anymore," Danny laughed.

"You didn't see her throwing up before, Daniel. I don't think she was faking it," Sam said from beside me.

"I think you were the only one that saw it," Cat murmured from next to Jake. I let it roll off my back, reminding myself to talk to her when we could find a minute alone. 

"Oh whatever. She's a natural," Josh said, passing me another drink, the one in my hand still halfway full. I shook my head and he handed it to Jake. 

"I've never seen that girl who was on stage. But I'm glad she's here." Lilianna added, sitting in front of Danny. She leaned her head back to look up at him, the top of her head touching his stomach. "I think we all witnessed her birth right there on stage." He looked down to meet her eyes and made a face I couldn't exactly read. 

"Hey, I felt like I was watching a whole new person with this one," I said pointing at Jake. "Behind your head? Really? Show off." I teased. 

"You wish you could do that," he said, playing back with me. 

"Be the side show to my brother? No thanks, I'll pass." I said, winking at him as I took another sip. 

"Side piece? From what I noticed, your eyes weren't on my brother." He smirked at me. Well, I couldn't really argue with that.

"Let's play pool," Sam interrupted, pushing Jake over to the table across the room. Danny followed the boys, leaving Josh with us.

My cheeks were red, but I blamed it on the drink.

"I've gotta use the bathroom, I'll be right back," Lilianna said, handing her drink to Cat. 

"So, Josh, what are you gonna teach me tonight?" Beth asked, turning her body towards him.

" clothed do you want to be?" He smiled. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Unless you're down," He winked. 

"I'm down for anything with you, baby." She replied, touching his leg.

"I can do card tricks? Or yoga, or yoyo-"

"I was joking, idiot." Beth shoved him playfully. "I did get a great shot of you tonight though. Your mouth is like so wide and your hand is up like this," She said mimicking his hand movements from stage. "And one of Jake, oh my god, he basically has sex with that guitar all night."

Cat and I both choked on our drinks as Josh bent over laughing. 

I tried to play off my reaction by adding, "Maybe he needs to teach you something, Beth."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Cat practically spat at me. I turned towards her, unable to contain my growing annoyance with her attitude. 

"Can we go talk outside? Now." I said. 

"I don't have anything to say to you." She replied.

Beth turned back around to face us. "Cat, don't be a bitch. Go talk." She said matter-of-fact. Cat rolled her eyes, but began walking towards the front of the bar. We passed Sam and Jake and I was keenly aware of the many lingering eyes on Cat and her lace, see-through dress. Once she walked outside, she turned towards me and leaned against the wall.

"What is going on, Cat?" I asked her.

"You tell me! What is going on, Brooklyn? With you? Jake? Or Sam? God, I can't even keep up and it's the first show!" She finished her drink and threw the glass bottle in the trash. 

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