Chapter 27

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I was still shaking from the news Lilianna had just given me as I, for the first time on tour, got ready on my own. 

It was Halloween and we had all gotten costumes on our own, ready to surprise each other before the show. I chose a red corset with a black lace top and a leather mini skirt. Paired with my knee-high boots and some dark lips, I was a simple vampire. I smiled at myself. I felt good.

Beth knocked on my door and slipped her head in. "I need you to button me up." She laughed. I nodded at her to come in.

She had on the classic denim top and pattern pants that told me she was Stevie Nicks. I happily buttoned the back of her top and helped her blow out her curls. It felt like pure bliss, like I was walking on air. After she left, I looked at my clock. I had about 15 minutes until I had to head out. I decided to go ahead and put on my gloss over my lipstick. I added a small drop of fake blood dripping from my mouth to complete it all. Another knock brought Sam into the room.

"Dear god," he murmured as he stepped inside. 

"What?" I smirked at him in the mirror.

"Is it weird to say bite me?" 

"No," I replied. 

He chuckled and wrapped his hands around my waist, burying his face in my neck. He placed a sweet kiss on my shoulder. 

"Hi," I smiled as I turned around and hugged him back.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Excited? I'm beyond any words. I can't wait to get out there and tell them." I told him.

"I can't wait to watch you do it." He replied. 

The next knock on the door was familiar, Lilianna telling me it was time to go. I opened the door to see her standing there in a dainty floral pink dress and little fairy wings. She looked ethereal and I told her so.

"Where's Cat?" I asked. 

"Here," she replied, turning the corner. She had on a long sleeve, off the shoulder, white dress with a tight corset and a pirate hat. She had layers of necklaces and tall boots pulling it all together. She made being a pirate look cool and sexy, just like everything else. 

Jake turned the corner behind her, took her in, and then turned around and walked the other way.

Sam kissed my cheek before I stepped out on stage. The crowd roared and I smiled big at them. I could see a girl on the front row dressed up like Jake and I smiled to myself. We played my first couple of songs before I stopped the set.

"Guys, I've been keeping a secret and I can't contain it any longer." I smiled at them. They roared in response. "This is supposed to be my second to last show, did you know that?" Cheering again. "But it's not. It's not! Because I am here to announce we are adding a second leg to this tour!"

And again, they erupted in excitement. It sounded just like I had felt since Lilianna told us we had officially been extended. As I sang the next songs, I felt different. I felt so comfortable on stage, while also feeling brand new.

And then it was time for my favorite part of the night. 

"Alright, y'all. It's time for my last, but favorite song. I'm gonna bring it down for this one." I told them as the crew brought out a stool and my acoustic guitar. 

I looked over to the side, as I always did, and saw Sam standing there. He winked at me.

"I wrote this song about someone very close to me and very special to me. I hope you guys enjoy it." 

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