Chapter 22

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I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of glass breaking. 

I shot up so fast that I hit my head on the roof of the bus. It was still eerily still in the bunk room, dark and silent. I checked my phone to see that it was 4 in the morning. As quiet and stealthily as I could, I climbed down from my bunk and peered around the curtain. 

I sighed relief to see Cat and Josh. I walked in. "What is happening?" 

Cat's back was to me and in front of her was a pile of shattered glass. Behind that, a very clearly high Josh. 

Cat whipped her head around. "This moron has been holding up us leaving for an hour, having Lilianna worried sick, and then showing up high as a kite. When I tried to explain to him that he cannot just show up whenever he wants, he threw his beer bottle at me."

At that, Josh started giggling like a little girl. Cat and I shared a knowing gaze. Things with Josh were getting worse. And needed to be address. Cat turned back to him.

"Clean it up. Now. And while you're at it, do some real self reflection. Why the hell do you think we should all just be subject to your time and your life? And figure out how the hell to fix whatever happened between you and Beth while you're at it, because with both of you acting so different I'm about to lose my ever loving mind." Cat was stern, like a mother. Josh stared at her blankly. I'm not sure he even heard, not to mention comprehend what she said. 

"No." He said. His eyes were red and his hair was frizzing all over the place. 

"Excuse me?" She replied.

"I said no. This is my tour. This is my life. Beth has no say and neither do you. I'm tired of her judging eyes." He crossed his arms.

"Oh you douche."

"You don't even know what happened."

"You're right Josh. I don't. Because you won't tell me. But you know what I do know? That Beth is the most loving, sweet, and caring person that I've ever met. And she loved you. I don't care what she said or what you believe. I know her and I saw how she looked at you. How she still looks at you. She's in love with you. And she cares about you and your well being. And what do you do to thank her? Throw it back in her face? For what? A rockstar image? What kind of person are you? I don't know how close you guys really were. I don't know why you started going off the wall. But I do know if you convince her to be with you, if you fix this, you will not regret it. And if you don't, you will never find someone that will ever love you even close to as much as she does."

She rendered him speechless. I watched him sober up right there. He bent over and picked up the big glass pieces. The bus door opened. Lilianna walked up, eyes red and sleepy. 

"There you are." She sighed.

"Yeah you go get some sleep, Lilianna. This idiot doesn't deserve any more attention." Cat said to her. Lilianna nodded and slid past him, giving me a tight smile before disappearing behind the curtain. We all three stayed silent as Josh cleaned up the broken glass, threw it away, and went to bed. 

"I don't know what to do, Brooklyn." Cat said. Her back was still to me.

I sat down on the couch. I didn't know either. All I knew is that tour was not functional how it was. Something had to give. Finally she turned back, walked over, and sat down next to me. 

"I'm scared." She whispered. 

"Me too." I grabbed her hand. "But it's going to work out. It has to." She looked at me and nodded. We left our hands resting on her leg for a long time, bathing in comfortable silence. I thought about how we could possibly fix the problem with Josh. How could I, as just their opener, confront that behavior? Would he kick me off the tour? 

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