Chapter 26

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As soon as Sam walked off of the stage, I kissed him like I had before he went on. I didn't care who saw or walked by.

And soon enough we were walking to a nearby bar, but I already felt drunk on his touch. Telling him that I loved him, kissing him deeply, it opened something up within me. I felt new, but still so understood. He understood. 

When we walked inside, he walked with Danny up to the bar and Lilianna and I slid into a booth. Cat and Beth were with the other boys, including Dave, sitting on the other end of the bar.

When they came back, Danny had Lilianna's favorite drink and Sam had two of mine. He handed me one and sipped the other. Lilianna leaned over to kiss Danny's cheek and he turned his face quickly to catch his lips on hers. She giggled and happily obliged.

My heart swelled. I looked over at Sam, smiling.

"What was the hold up Sammy boy?" Jake's voice sounded before I saw him come up behind us. He patted Sam's back, but a little too hard to feel light hearted. 

"What?" Sam asked, half turning towards me to see Jake behind. 

"Did you just want to hear the crowd cheering your name? I mean, damn, you were like 10 minutes late." Jake chuckled. 

"I was busy." Sam smirked at me. I winked. Jake took one look at our interaction and walked away. I kissed Sam again. 

I drank the one drink that Sam brought me. I didn't order another. I didn't need a single other thing to make me feel as happy as I did with him. 

Soon, Beth came over to the booth and slid in next to Lilianna. "Those boys are crazy." She laughed. I looked over at Dave, Josh, Sam, Jake, and Danny all standing around the pool table laughing. Sam and Danny had been pulled in to some invisible tournament Dave had decided to come up with. Cat was sitting down next to the table. Dave was leaned over the table, taking a shot at a red ball. 

"They're something." I laughed back. There was a blush in her cheek I wanted to comment on but refrained. Lilianna glanced over at me like she saw it too.

"Okay!" Dave shouted across the bar. "If I make this shot, that beautiful girl right there," he yelled, pointing his pool cue at Beth, "has to go on a date with me."

I immediately shot a look back to Lilianna, and after exchanging it, we turned towards her. The blush in her cheeks grew. She didn't say a word, only made a noise that sounded half like a scoff, half like a laugh. 

He bent over the table, cue out, eyes focused in concentration. I watched Josh's eyes bare down on the ball, willing it not to go in. There was fury practically seeping off of him.

I wondered if Beth saw it, too.

Dave took a deep breath and took the shot. The black eight ball rolled perfectly into the corner hole he had called. He jumped up smiling as the bar erupted in cheers. He rushed over to our booth and pulled Beth up, kissing her hard all in one swoop. 

Josh's jaw was practically on the floor. 

She pulled back after a second, obviously in shock. An older man who had been watching from the table near us called out. "Go out with him, eh?"

"Yeah! You've got to!" Another woman added from the booth next to ours. Soon, the people in the bar were shouting and cheering again.

Finally, Beth nodded slightly. "Okay, okay," she laughed nervously. "I'll go out with him." She said quietly.

"What?" The man asked.

"I'll go out with him." She said a bit louder. Her blush was only growing.

"Say it like you mean it, girl!" He called out again. He was laughing and drinking his beer like this was the most entertaining thing he had ever been a part of. 

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