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A young man with white and Pink long hair is seen standing infront of a large building.

"All those years of hard work, have finally paid of. 'Hopes Peak Academy' a place where I can finally set everything I have achived in stone."

The perspective changes, showing the large building in its full glory.

"I wonder what kind of people I am going to meet? It could be quite an interesting adventure that lies before me."



The building in view starts to move slightly as thin lines like cuts appear in the sky.

"What is this feeling? Is that nervousness? No that is not it."

The environment starts to shudder, as if the whole world, is trying to rip itself apart.


As all of the sudden, everything goes black.

"What? I- i have to hurry, or I am going to be l... late? Where...? A Door?"

While nothing else could be seen by the young man, but a confusing black void, as suddenly he was staring at a wooden door.

"What is this nonsense? I... it seems like I don't have much of a choice."

As he said that, he moved closer to the door and opened it. For the first few moments he could see nothing, but a bright light, holding his hand up to shield his eyes. He looked into the room and could easily identify a common classroom. A few people where already in the room. Two smaller students who could be easily mistaken for 10 year-olds, one of them looked like a chef the other was wearing a Kimono and had absurdly large pigtails. A dignified looking young women with glasses and a bag on her back, next to her a smaller young man in a suit. And the last one was one hell of a man, his size combined with his musce mass, that man could be a force to be reckoned with... or a gentle giant, you never know.

"Mh, seventeen seats. With me we are only 6 students and no teacher. I can't be that late." The young man muttered to himself.

Not waiting for long he moved through the room and took a seat at one of the desks. In the next minutes more students entered the classroom, but the young man in white did not give them much of his attention. Because now that he gave it a thought, how did he really end up in this classroom?

"I'm sorry?" ??? said a voice from right beside him.

"Oh, Hello I have to excuse myself. I was lost in thought." The young man answered.

"Oh I could see that! I am sorry to disturb you but could you be L/N Y/N, the student who has been given the title of SHSL Casino Manager?" ??? seemed quite excited to meet said manager, which is a rare sight to the young man. Normaly people who wish to see him are not very happy.

"Yes that would be me, I am quite delighted to meet you... I don't think I caught your name?" L/N answered.

The young person infront of him had quite a unique appearance. The white chaotic hair and the older ripped jacket did their part, but in the end everyone here looks quite unique.

"Oh, I would be surprised if you knew the name of a lowly beeing such as me." ??? said while looking down at his hand, but still looking quite... happy?

"Please, do not sell yourself short, you beeing here already tells a story." L/N said giving the other white haired boy a warm smile.

"How kind of you to say but, I really didn't achieve anything, I simply won the lottery that the school set out." ??? answered looking a bit apologetic.

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now