Smile at hope in the name of Despair - 06

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The security room... now that L/N was there what was nothing that seemed really important... that was until L/N spotted another card with rat symbol on it.

'Your next little test, will set you on a hunt, one of my colleagues has become really interested in your capabilities.'

L/N questioned what that was supposed to mean...

"Manager! There is someone stealing money from the guests!" A Monoguard shouted behind L/N

"What exactly happened?" L/N asked

"Multiple guests reported, that they felt a slight tugging on their pants and bags and when they checked, their money was gone!" The Monoguard explained

"I see... how long are these happenings in the past?" L/N asked it seemed like the hunt had begun

"Not so long it was a few minutes ago!" The Monoguard told him

"Have you told anyone?" L/N asked him

"No sir." The Monoguard answered

"Good, we don't want a mass panic to happen because of a little thief. Alright, I shall check what I can find on the security cameras." L/N turned around sitting at one of the computers

"Alright then Manager! I'll go back to my post! Use the walkie-talkie to call me when you got him!" The Monoguard said as he left

L/N clicked through the cameras... how was he supposed to find an... 'odd one' out if all of them were Monokumas in disguises? Then slithering around at a group of 'people'... a white cape... then nothing... one of the Monokumas standing up searching their pockets... bingo. L/N grabbed for the walkie-talkie.

"I have the first information for you, our culprit is wearing a white cape. That's what I could see before someone was searching their own pockets." L/N told the Monoguard

"Alright Boss." The Monoguard answered

Back to the hunt.... nothing... someone else searching in their pockets... to late... click.... the whit cape... dissapiering into a crowd... a white top hat... another one searching their pockets.... Jackpot.

"The culprit is wearing a white top hat." L/N gave the information through immediately.

"Got it boss." The Monoguard answered

Back again... too late... another one searching their pockets... to late again... then a staff door open and L/N could see the white cape before the door closed... Time to go all in.

"Our culprit just entered the staff break room, there is nowhere they can run. You go there first I'll join you." L/N said through the Walkie-talkie

"Alright them Manager, see you soon." The Monoguard answered

L/N kept the walkie-talkie and immediately went for the break room. On the way to the break room L/N found another Monoguard patrolling around the gambling area.

"Follow me please, we have a little situation." L/N told him

"Yes sir!" The Monoguard answered

Now with more help L/N and the second guard went for staff room. L/N looked down to the Monoguard who only nodded at him, breathing out L/N opened the staff door. Entering shown to them was a gruesome sight... the Monoguard had his head ripped of dark brown oil everywhere and no culprit... it was a trap.

"I have to get you out of here!" The Monoguard shouted

"Everyone! We have a situation, a pickpocket murdered a Monoguard at the break room! I need Guards down here closing the room of and checking it. I'm getting the Manager in his office." The Monoguard said into his walkie-talkie

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now