Trapped by the ocean scent - 01

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After yesterdays trial L/N took a sleeping pill before he went to bed... by now a habit when he decided he needed sleep instead of being kept awake by thoughts this time he awoke together with the morning announcement.

"Goooood morning, it seems like today will be another perfect tropical day!" Monokuma announced

The more days went by the more he understood the announcements, they were simply to spite the students. Telling them 'Everyday is perfect' by now L/N had come to the conclusion that this island felt exactly like the orphanage back in the days.... L/N went through his morning routine like normal, put on his suit jacket and went outside.

"Ah, good morning!" Nagito exclaimed

Nagito was going alongside Gundham looking around the three of them seemed to be the last to go to the hotel.

"Good morning Nagito and good morning to you too Gundham." L/N said

"The cursed one awakened later than normal? Is a this the result of a completed demonic possession?!" Gundham exclaimed

"No no, I'm fine, I simply took another sleeping pill tonight, to ensure I get some sleep." L/N told them

"Ah! I see, just like you said in the trial!" Nagito stated

"Yeah I tend to use them when I believe I will be kept awake by thoughts." L/N explained

"I see, well then shall we head to the hotel? I am getting hungry!" Nagito asked

"Yes we shall! I Gundham Tanaka, the supreme overlord of ice, feel quite famished as well!" Gundham shouted

"Well then let us go." L/N stated

With that, the three boys went to the hotel. Everything felt pretty normal even though by now they had lost four people and one was currently missing. Entering the hotel the three could already hear the the others talking. And going up the stairs into the dining area there stood a shrine... with pictures Mahiru had taken and far to big Candles and animal skulls...

"What kind of dirty despair induced object is this supposed to be? Let's destroy it already!" Nagito exclaimed

"Out of my way I shall split this barbaric demon altar apart!" Gundham stated

Everyone else in the room went silent. Nagito and Gundham were silenced by L/N putting his hands on their shoulders and going past them closer to the altar.

"I see... a little clumsy and some ideas taken from the different cultures... but the idea ist there... not a bad start Hiyoko." L/N said

"What are you talking about?" Nagito asked

"Well while to us, skulls are nothing but dreadful, there are cultures who see them as a way to, 'connect' with the dead. The candles are a typical metaphorical picture, to 'light the way for the dead' and the flowers are for the mourning people who are left behind." L/N explained

"I see..." Nagito said

"Then I shall refrain from taking it apart..." Gundham stated

"But Hiyoko?" L/N started

"Y-yeah?" Hiyoko asked it was clear by the sound of her voice that she had been crying recently

"How about we redecorate a bit? Take away the skull. Make the picture truly the main focus, chance for some smaller candles and swap the flowers all over the shrine for a vase of flowers. What do you think?" L/N asked her

"S-sounds good! Th-thank you L/N!" Hiyoko said tears falling a again

Hiyoko ran over to L/N and hugged him.

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now