Trapped by the ocean scent - 04

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L/N could hear the sound of his shoes clicking on the ground. He could hear voices, music. He was... back at his casino, but something wasn't right.... everything seemed darker than usual.  L/N opened a door he was in the main room. A large room that stretched multiple floors down, filled with poker tables, black jack tables, slot machines and everything else you could think of. This place was, his purpose, his home, his everything. Everywhere he could see anyone who was at any device or table, were wearing  Monokuma heads... why? What is this supposed to be? L/N couldn't control where he went. His body moved on his own over to a round table with multiple people sitting around it... for what kind of game would you use a completely round table? There wasn't even space for a dealer or anything... L/N could feel a weight in his right hand and a small weight in his left. He looked down, a revolver and one bullet.... now L/N understood, this was going to be a round of roulette.... but without a wheel.... He loaded the gun with the one bullet and threw it in the middle.

"Well you guys. You are the survivors we found... 6 rounds the 6 of you who survive can leave or stay..." L/N could hear his own voice but it was... cold

L/N turned around and went to a near window looking out... the world seemed to be destroyed. Buildings fell in on themselves everything dirty, filled with smoke and dust. L/N took out a pre cut cigar lighting it on fire. He could hear the first shot


He didn't even flinch... he started to see his own reflection in the mirror. He was wearing a black suit and seemed to have bandaged up wounds everywhere. Even his left eye.


The next shot and again no reaction out of L/N why is this happening? This is not him! Why would he do this? Why... why.... why... weren't there any more shots?! Turning around he saw two people dead their blood and flesh splattered on the ground and a third person holding the gun on their head... to scared to pull the trigger.

"Really now... in the end you hopeful bastards are just sheep, waiting for their slaughter." L/N's cold voice cut through the moment.

The last thing L/N could feel was another weight similar to the revolver in his right hand. Another shot


Everything went dark. Did he finally die this time?

"You know? He probably knew about it too." ??? That voice again just like last time

"Oh? You talked with him? He was surprised? Looked scared even? That is hilarious!" ??? Stated

Who was this girl talking about? Her voice was like a sweet poison. Underneath her somewhat cocky sweet sounding voice, L/N could hear malice.

"You know. I have a full thing planned. All I need from you, is a part of your knowledge." ??? The voice suddenly sounded more... seductive?

"Come on! I only need to know one thing from you, I mean I don't really need it. It's more of a security you know?" ??? What did that voice want

What was happening it all felt hazy he felt something cold on his head and the black around him turned into a hospital room... he felt weak, to weak to even lift his arms everything around him was in a haze. With all of his strength he lifted his arm to find something to grab on. His hands touched something soft and slightly cold... but he himself already felt so hot how could...

"Shh, ...... down......... remember.......... dear." ??? L/N could make out more but that voice it sounded... strange

Everything turned black once more... it felt like L/N was drowning... L/N could hear muffled voices.

"Dead! ......... what..... do?" ???

"Time..... revenge!..." ???

"You..............why....?" ???

And then he could hear his own voice, loud and clear.

"I'm sorry........... I'm sorry....... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!" L/N could here his own voice, pleading, no begging for forgiveness and then.... silence

No one answered... no... it felt like there was no one that could answer... but suddenly.

"Ky..... I should be......... all I need is......." ??? A new voice

"I............. help...." ??? Said

Who was this, all of this was getting to much, L/N couldn't take anymore....

"Hey hey..." ??? Greeted another new voice

"Why don't you come out of there for a bit?" .... no not just another voice... he knew this voice... this was Chiaki!

"Hey hey. Let's go, they need you as much as they need me." Chiaki stated


With that L/N eyes opened.... where was he? He looked around, the hospital? He tried to remember... only parts came back to him... his left eye... he hit Mikan... what had happened... what did he do?

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now