Do Ultimate Robots dream of clockwork? - 01

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As all of them went for the first island. L/N still couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong, and he didn't like what Mikan said openly in the trial, it won't be long until someone was going to ask him about it. But for now, they were all to excited, to finally be given something and not get someone taken away.

"Nekomaru! Come out!" Akane shouted

It was obvious that the ultimate gymnast had a... very soft spot for the team leader. Especially if her excitement was anything to go by.

"Nekomaru where are you?" Sonia asked

"Hahahahaha!" ??? A hearty laugh that sounded... metallic?

"Nekomaru is that you?" Akane asked excited

"Of course it's me!" Nekomaru said walking out of the trees

... In front of them stood a Robot, in some cruel way resembling Nekomaru and even wearing his clothes.

"Nekomaru! What... what happened to you?!" Akane shouted

"What? I'm a little different but it's still me!" It claimed

"Can you truly claim that?" L/N asked

"What are you talking about?" It asked him

"... Is there any and I ask any kind of proof you can show us, that this is really you? And not some AI believing to be Nekomaru?" L/N asked

"This is no way to bring back someone..." Sonia stated

"But he'll this is some advanced mechanics!" Kazuichi stated

"Does it really matter if I can proof to be the completely real deal or an AI? If I believe to be who I want to be isn't that something worth to do?!" It asked

"... Since there would be no one you could offend by taking their personality and some people here could use some more hope... I guess you are right." L/N muttered the first part and said the last part out loud

"See! Don't think about it to much! I'm back and that is what counts!" 'Nekomaru' stated

Some of the others started talking with Nekomaru asking him how it felt to be a robot and what not. But not L/N and Nagito.

"What is your take on this?" Nagito whispered to L/N

"I don't trust this. The last machines that were shown to us by Monokuma were the Monobeasts. But I am not going to stop him at the moment... He is just bringing to much hope to them." L/N whispered back

"I agree, as long as 'Nekomaru' doesn't step out of line. I have no problem with this." Nagito agreed

"Well what are you two whispering about!?" Monokuma laughed

L/N and Nagito quickly turned around to the bear that appeared behind them.

"What do you want?!" Nagito asked him

"Oh I simply wanted to see this heartwarming reunion. Isn't he cool?!" Monokuma exclaimed

"You promised to bring him back to life! What is this?" Monomi appeared beside Monokuma

"It was really hard to salvage what was left of him! So I had to make a change of plans!" Monokuma said

"Salvage? I mean you were able to help me to...." L/N stated

"Oh that was because no part of the gun actually hit you!" Monokuma told him

"Then how do you explain this?" L/N asked pointing at his left eye

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now