Smile at hope in the name of Despair - 03

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L/N knew that voice... that thick russian accent... that poisonous fake-caring tounge. The man who allowed him to be were he is now, but turning around in front of him wasn't Fyodor Dostoevsky, but a Monokuma wearing Dostoevsky's white Ushanka and the cape... 'invited all of my Family up there! They are all up there to play some roles!'... that's right Monokuma said something like that... so this thing was playing the role of Dostoevsky...

"Aren't you gonna greet your old friend?" ??? Asked

"Yeah... right Dos...." L/N wasn't sure should he just call this thing Dostoevsky

"Really, you forgot my name? Come on L/N how could you forget Dostokuma!?" Dostokuma asked

"Yes right... I am truly sorry Dostokuma... I am simply...not myself at the moment..." L/N tried to reason

"Yeah I can see that, no black suit and no glowing red eyes." Dostokuma stated

"What are you talking about?" L/N couldn't remember that he ever wore any real dark colours, and 'glowing red eyes' L/N's eyes were more of a grey colour

"Oh don't question so much about a questionable fashion statement you once wore." Dostokuma said

"You really are nothing like Dostoevsky... you are more like a Russian Monokuma at best..." L/N told him

"What? I don't see your problem... maybe you should start investigating the perimeter yourself. We can talk again when you find something interesting." Dostokuma swapped from his more bubbly Monokuma like side to a more serious side

Before L/N could ask the russian bear any questions he dissapeared. That was... weird... but questions later... he needed to work quick, knowing Monokuma he won't let it go for long till the next motive and L/N wants to be down on the ground before the next killing. As L/N entered the Casino it felt like he was in a dream. The Casino looked exactly how he wanted it to, except for all the Monokuma's around. At the information was a Monokuma waving to him so he started there.

"Good morning Boss! You need something?" Monokuma asked

"Yes... I am in search of information, do you have an idea?" L/N asked him

"I see... let me think... there was someone. What was her name again? Right! That goth lolita Celestia Monoberg! She said she wanted to play against the owner and she'd have something the boss wants she said!" Monokuma told him

"Thank you. Do you know where she is?" L/N asked the bear behind the counter

"Sadly I don't, but she shouldn't be hard to find!" Monokuma laughed

"I see... bye." L/N said leaving

Ok... it shouldn't be to hard to search a goth lolita Monokuma.... and L/N didn't have to search for long his target found him.

"Well if you aren't the owner of this establishment." Monoberg said with a strange European accent that seemed like it wasnt sure where it belonged

"I guess, yeah." L/N answered the Monokuma in the gothic dress

"It is truly nice to meet someone, as important as you. Someone who has made such an impact in the world of gambling." Monoberg told him

"Stop with the flattery. I have been told you have something I could want. What is it?" L/N asked her

"Straight to the point I see. What I have is this... a transcript, an interview I guess you could say, between you old friend Dostoevsky and an unknown person, that is about you." Monoberg said

"And what do you want in return?" L/N asked her

"You see, I want you to bet something against this transcript in a simple round of roulette." Monoberg told him

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now