This is the end Goodbye Academy of despair - 02

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'Oh come on, now that you have showed me all of this. Now you hide away in that school. Can't you see that this hurts me? I have never felt so much and now you leave me alone like that! I want more! I feel like I am going insane but at the same time I love this, Love you because you have showed me all this... But it seems like my love for you was just to big, you filthy destable pig! The others enjoy the fruits of the labor we layed, but I find this to be boring. You left them without a leader, so I will take that place. I need more... Sorry for what's coming... Soon... Very soon...
I'll get them back in action now that you are hiding away, they halted everything! Nagito is playing toy for those children in Towa City. We are all part of ultimate despair! And I need more, I want to witness more! Apparently Izuru is in Towa City at the moment... what would show the remnants of this school more that they have lost if I killed him? Or even better, made him one if us! Oh so many plans what should I start with?'

They all weren't heroes, they were no survivors. They were the killers, locked away on an island forced to kill each other. Sounds like a good punishment for what they did. But why? Why did they do all that? Looking at the notes Y/N found it didn't make sense it was such a sudden change. It is like someone else suddenly wrote the notes. Y/N entered a room, it looked like a dojo... And something was completely out of place, a small pink manga on the ground. Y/N took it and read the title

'Manga for morons - A history of hopes peak academy'

Y/N went on this seemed to be the first part of information

'Hopes Peak academy is a government founded of priveledge where only the most talented are allowed to attend. Built to raise hope for the nations future, most of its allumni are key leaders of certain industries.'

But wasn't that sometimes given? Aren't many already key leaders in their respective positions to even enter?

'New students are chosen through a scouting process, but the ones who scout them are hopes Peaks teachers. Who serve as teachers and researchers of talent. Hopes peaks final goal is it, to create a ultimate genius who could be called ultimate hope by researching talent and testing their research on experiments. But soon the school lacked founding. So hopes peak opened their gates to untalented people, with the reserve course department. Here people have to pay in order to enter, a useful part for people who only cared for the brand. But with this, hopes peak could regain their lacking founding and continue their research. With this new funding hopes peak broadened their horizons and even hired an orphanage which was working far from humanly to join their experiments by trying to create an ultimate hope without scientific experiments only training, said project was called project Sigma. Project Sigma gave the orphanage a large sum of money every month and an official recommendation to the government by hopes peak, since it's owner was a former hopes peak transfer student Fyodor Dostoevsky. But as hopes peak thought everything was going well, an incident occurred the tragedy, the biggest most awful most tragic event in human history. The tragedy of hopes peak academy. Hopes peak was crippled by that incident and forced to shut down without accomplishing anything.
The End'

So that explained a good chunk why Y/N decided to fight against hopes peak. But Dostoyevsky was a student of hopes peak... That was something new... And these tragedies, what could they be about? But it seemed like that was everything that was to be found in this room, so Y/N went on. Most of the other doors weren't touchable... It was like an invisible wall was infront of them... The next door Y/N could touch was a classroom and on a desk was another manga.

'Manga for morons - The tragedy of hopes peak academy'

Exactly what Y/N was searching for.

'As the name suggest, the tragedy of hopes peak happened at hopes peak academy the key player in this was a student named Izuru Kamukura.'

Izuru the name Y/N's old notes mentioned the reserve course student hopes peak experimented on.

'Izuru was a genius known as the symbol of hope. Hopes peak used all their resources to develop him. Izuru was called Ultimate hope and to keep I'm safe his identity was kept a secret. Nearly no one knew of his exsistence, but Izuru was the cause of a horrible incident. Thirteen of the most brilliant students of hopes peak, were ruthlessly murdered by Izuru. The Academy wishing to keep Izuru safe and covered up this incident. However a certain student who had beforehand already found out about project Sigma began to use that incident to their advantage. By handing over the information to another student the victim of Project Sigma, that student gained a new ally working around a plan to publicise said information to the reserve course student with the most effective way possible. While Sigma only wanted to show the reserve course students what they were used for, the student who sparked the flames went a step further in secret. As the flames of the reserve course students rage were lit ablaze, an uprising began. That was the incident the tragedy of hopes peak academy. But this went on and turned into the beginning of the tragedy itself. As planned by a certain student.'

.... So that is it... Y/N wanted to show them the truth, but someone used him probably that Enoshima... Okuma... She used the flames of the chaos and lit an even greater bonfire... As Y/N went on searching for the next room, something became obvious... The others were avoiding him.... Have they lost faith in him? What did Y/N care? They would all be out here soon... Yeah definitely...

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