Sea and Punishment, Sin and Coconut - 04

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How could someone look so happy in a state like this? Legs bound together by a rope, arms chained up. He looked like he was simply thrown in here on the ground, not even a pillow to at least allow him to lay his head on.

„Yes it is me and when I heard today that you were being kept here, I wasn't expecting something this babaric..." L/N stated

„Oh don't focus on me so much! More importantly I heard you resigned from your position! Why is that? Have you given up?" Nagito asked him

„Oh no, if I would give up by losing two people I would have given up years ago. Consider it a change in tactics, I believe we need to stand as a united force to defeat this murder island. Not a leader that throws themselves into deaths arms to defend the others. Something I learned from you and Teruteru." L/N explained

„See I told you! The trials are a necessary evil to grow your hope!" Nagito exclaimed

„I see, it could be used as a way to grow... to adapt yes. But how about we get you your breakfast. There won't be much of growing when you simply dehydrate." L/N said putting down the plate and moving to Nagito

L/N took Nagito and pulled him to a wall

„What are you doing?" Nagito asked

„Well I will have to feed you after all, I'm not gonna do it while you are lying in the ground." L/N said leaning Nagito against the wall in a sitting position

„You don't have to take so much time, for a lowly human being like me!" Nagito stated

„Really now? All your talk about Ultimate hope and you tell everyone to not care about you?" L/N asked grabbing the plate from the ground

„What do you mean?" Nagito looked at him confused

„Well I would go so far as to say, is there even ultimate hope if people get left behind willingly? Think about it, I mean I already now you see things different then I, but if someone where to try and spread hope with killing because they found no other way. Than that was an idea that bloomed out of desperation. True hope for me would be a concept, or an idea that existed for longer, that is only fueled by the despair of others and stays true to it's values. But since we already established there are different views on hope, why don't we say this: As hope is for anyone aspecially in times of need. There can be no one right definition, the truth has to lie somewhere in between." L/N explained to Nagito

„I see... and I understand what you mean... that would mean... if we both follow our ideal way. When two true hopes clash, in the middle would be ultimate hope, but you can't let any hopes crash if a false clash that would only end in the despair of one!" Nagito stated

„I guess. you could say it that way." L/N said

„Wow, the more I talk to you, the more I admire you. I will have to see to it. That our two hopes clash as often as possible!" Nagito exclaimed

„But for now, lets got you to eat something yeah?" L/N said holding the slice of bread in front of Nagito's mouth who without much hesitation took a bite


After L/N had fed Nagito everything, Nagito suddenly switched the topic they were talking about.

„You know... I heard about... what was it ‚Twilight syndrome murder case'? You know I am a bit disappointed that you ultimates don't face the danger head on!" Nagito started

„Oh? Are you now?" L/N asked Nagito giving him a closed eyed smile

„Yes! You all need to face the danger and defeat it, if you all want to grow! Do you think Monokuma is gonna let that slide?" Nagito told him

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now