Smile at hope in the name of Despair - 07

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Again, this thing with a reserve course student... always hanging around Chiaki, that could of course be Hajime... that would also explain why he as a reserve course student is here and no one else.... Something is definitely strange about this. But whatever happened one thing is highly likely... He had probably helped the two main people who were at fault for the tragedy... but it seemed like he didn't want that to happen... he was used... again... by someone else... why does it always happen to him...... it was late...

"I should head to bed..." L/N said

Moving to his bedroom he was interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

"Huh?" L/N questioned as he took it out

'Monokuma' said the call, it showed the bear himself on the phone laughing while he was holding a rope... the other end of the rope the figure hanged on when the other survivors called... L/N stopped but then accepted the call.

"Hello?" L/N asked

"Ah Hello! How are things up there?" Monokuma asked

"As if you don't know..." L/N said

"Hahaha! You are right!" Monokuma laughed

"Well what happened down there?" L/N asked

"Yeah yeah, nothing special. Nagito blew up the hotel and announced that he will blow up the whole island in two days at noon." Monokuma said nonchalantly

"What!?" L/N couldn't believe it, he really couldn't believe, as if Monokuma would allow that...

"Yeah, right I know!" Monokuma said

"I don't believe it." L/N stated

"What!? You don't believe me? I'll get you for that!" Monokuma announced

"No it's not that... I don't believe that you would allow that, I think Nagito is bluffing. This would end your fun to quick." L/N stated


"Hahahahaha! You know me too well! I have to go now, but the others won't be able to call you, their phone was destroyed in the explosion. Bye!" Monokuma quickly said and the next thing L/N heard was the beeping of the phone.

... that was at least somewhat helpful... so it was best if L/N could finish this information hunt tomorrow... so he could reach the others before Nagitos possible trap snaps shut. Nagito definitely kept some information hidden he found... what was he really planning? It was getting to late... with these thoughts on his mind L/N went to bed...


The next day L/N was awoken again by the room service... after he finished his breakfast, it was time to think... where could he go? He had three pieces of information and that could be all after all Dostokuma told him the information was 3-5 pieces... he needed to check the last places of importance and then head out tomorrow morning... he needed as much time as he could checking the casino... but he also needed to be early enough to save the others from a possible trap... what did he get already... Monoberg in the gambling hall... Dostokuma in the managers office and Monogol in the security room and the two other places... where could be information? The server room could be a possibility, the vault too, Possibly the living areas of the guest? At least one of these three had to be a bust... but which one? Maybe the vault? L/N couldn't picture what Monokuma put there to test him... Monokuma wouldn't send him there to test 'coin swimming'... no that's wrong Monokuma would do that... but it seemed to be the least likely... so he was going to go there last.

L/N needed to decide quick tomorrow at noon Nagitos trap would snap shut. So L/N began his search at the living areas of the guests. He went through the list of names. People who had a room and one room striked him as odd...

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now