Smile at hope in the name of Despair - 01

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After all of them went back for their cottages, L/N stayed outside for a bit talking to Sonia for a while.

"It is the best action we can do, we need to fight back as we can see running away brought us nowhere. We should make sure Gundhams and Nekomaru's sacrifices weren't for nought." L/N told her

"Yes you are right! Thank you L/N! You are totes reliable! I couldn't Imagine where we would all be without you!" Sonia thanked him

"But we should head to bead. I can say from experience it is better to fight with a rested mind." L/N told her

"You are right again! I shall head to my cottage, I wish you a good night's rest L/N." Sonia left.

L/N smiled after her and slowly closed his door. The moment he heard the door click, he tried around and fell in his butt with the back against the door, breaking down... the mental training he went to was good... but he couldn't keep this facade up forever... the more time went on the less he could tell himself he could control what was going on, the less he was sure he could help.... all of these class trials, all of those emotions everything left his mind at once, ragged breathes, tears fear...

"From Byakuya to Gundham. All gone... With probably even more soon to follow. This world knows nothing but hunger, purging nearly all life I have ever met, and yet it remains unsatiated... As did they. This world is taking everything from me, after I worked so hard to get here. Following the few notes, of my lost memories... even hopes peak was seemingly nothing more but a blunder... why... how much do I have to give? How much will I have to work? They called me a boy brimming with talent... they know nothing... I learned for all of this I worked! But this... I..." L/N talked to himself on the ground

What was he supposed to do? How many others will he lose? When will he die...?

"... what did I just tell Sonia... 'we have to fight'.... 'dont let their sacrifices be for nought'... I mean we either die trying or die hiding... I won't go down without a fight!... alright Y/N breathe in... breathe out... you know the rythem... follow it... clear out the unnecessary thoughts... focus on what's important..." L/N assured himself

Breath by beath... he felt his body calm down... clearing away the unnecessary thoughts leaving only what was important for the moment... and everything he was left with was...

"I feel really tired... but how couldn't I? No real sleep for two days..." L/N mutted breathing in

He could smell himself... that was right he couldn't even clean himself in the funhouse... so L/N went for a shower, brushed his teeth, took a sleeping pill and fell into his bed as everything turned dark...


*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"Ahem Hope's Peak Academy school trip executive committee has an announcement to make. Goooood morning everyone, it seems like today will be another perfect tropical day!" The morning announcement played

L/N's eyes shot open, it was another day and probably another island to investigate. L/N didn't feel completely rested, but it was good enough. L/N stood up and started with his routine and ended with taking his suit jacket from next to the door. And went for the hotel.

"Hey Hajime, what the fuck was that yesterday about? You know that weird stuff Nagito said." Fuyuhiko asked the boy who looked like he really didn't want to say anything

"Are you really the traitor?!" Kazuichi asked him

L/N hoped that the morning would be at least calm, but it didn't seem like L/N would be granted that calm before the storm.

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon