Investigation - 03

684 32 11

*Ding Dong Dong Ding*

"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, a class Trial will begin!" Monokuma announced

...what? Nononononono, who? When? Where? Why? L/N ran to the door of the hospital room trying to open it... locked... he began to knock on the door.

"Hey, is anyone there?" L/N said

His voice was still a bit weak, was it from the desease or the fear, L/N couldn't tell. All he could say for certain was he needed to get out. He needed to make sure everyone who was still alive was ok. But nothing budged no one answered and for the first time since that place... he felt truly alone... out of place... unwanted and on top of that his left eye began to hurt again. He began to search around his room, where there any pain killers? He could feel the left side of his face getting warm... was he bleeding? He looked in a mirror and there he saw it the bandage over his eye completely soaked. The wound must have reopened. He searched for scissors and a fresh bandage instead of painkillers now. It took some time but he found them. Cutting off his bandage he took a deep breath before taking the bandage of... where once was his left eye was now a hole... out of which blood was flowing, he looked at it for a few seconds and then began reapplying the new bandage. After he was done... he was covered in blood... he set on the ground leaning against the wall. What was he supposed to do? He felt exhausted. Then suddenly he heard the door unlock.

"L/N!? Everyone come here!" It was Kazuichis voice

L/N heard steps of multiple people before he could move or say anything.

"I-is he dead too?" Hajime asked

"No, there was no announcement!" Nagito exclaimed

"H-hey..." L/N said his voice was weak

"L/N!" Mikan cried and ran to his side

"What the fuck happened to you!? All this blood!" Fuyuhiko asked

L/N's left hand pointed to his eye.

"The wound reopened... I... I... had to swap the... bandages...." L/N croaked out

"This is not good! How are you feeling?" Mikan asked him

"I feel weak... and it... it hurts." L/N stated

"I need to get him some things, can one of you stay with him till I'm back?" Mikan asked

"I can." Chiaki answered

"Good, then the rest of us can continue our investigation!" Nagito exclaimed

Everyone but Chiaki left him... this gave him a deja Vu somehow.... but he couldn't explain why....

"Chiaki..." L/N croaked

"Yeah? What is it...?" Chiaki asked

"When I was sick.... I dreamed... I don't remember much... but I remember... hearing your voice..." L/N told her

"..." Chiaki only watched him

"You said, that I should come out... that the others need me, as much as they need you... was this... real?" L/N asked her

"... It could as well been a part of your school memories..." Chiaki stated...

"But what you heard is definitely the truth... I would say yeah... they need you." Chiaki told him

L/N began to smile hearing that, before any more could be said Mikan entered.

"Okay Chiaki thank you I will fix him up as quickly as possible and maybe he will even be able to do some investigating on his own." Mikan said

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now