Do Ultimate Robots dream of clockwork? - 02

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The next day came by just like the last. L/N was awoken by the sound of the morning announcement and after his typical morning routine he went for the hotel. His mind was heavy thinking about the three girls they lost just the day before and the things Mikan said... he worked with her beloved... her beloved knew everything about him... did Mikan knew what project Sigma was supposed to be? Who was her beloved? A girl a boy? Someone around their age? Someone older? To many open parts not enough information.... Sitting at the dining area everyone was more silent then the days before.

"What are you thinking about Nagito?" Chiakis voice broke through the silence

"Oh, I guess I am thinking about some things that Mikan said..." Nagito answered her

L/N heart started pounding like crazy for a moment

"For example, who is her beloved?... Am I a coward for thinking about that?" Nagito asked

"I too gave a thought about that. But the way she phrased it, it sounded like she was talking about a being no longer present in our plain of existence." Gundham stated

"Yeah she phrased it like her beloved is dead." Kazuichi said

"And something else... L/N she said something strange to you, like you couldn't complain about a murderer or something... what was that supposed to mean?" Nagito asked

"Let's say... this i-" L/N started

"Well what are you brats doing here!?" Monokuma appeared

"A little birdie told me that the next island has been opened to you!" Monokuma laughed

"... So I was right to guess you didn't care that Monomi got rid of your Monobeasts?" L/N asked him

"There is no way in hell, that I will go to the next island!" Kazuichi shouted

"I personally have no reason to as well." Sonia said

"Guys, I would say it is necessary to at least take a look." Nagito said

"Especially if there could be information hidden like you student profiles!" Monokuma announced

"Student profiles...?" Hajime asked

"Or parts to build a ship!" Monokuma went on

"Build a ship...?!" Kazuichi questioned

"Gyahaha! Who knows?! For that you would have to take a look!" Monokuma said dissapiering

Nagito looked at L/N... it seemed like he still wasn't done...

"How about I get you a book... the moment we have time you all can read it. Then you will know everything about my past you need to know..." L/N stated

"You don't mean...?!" Sonia asked

"Yes... the Angel orphanage." L/N answered

"But first we investigate." Hajime said

"Yes let's go take a look." Nagito said

While everyone else went immediately for the fourth island L/N went to his cottage to quickly get the book. And when he went for the fourth island everyone else was already gone.... The fourth island definitely was different... it was an amusement park? Rollercoasters, a giant castle and what not could be seen. Book in hand L/N went for the castle first. Multiple Design choices that showed cartoon rats around, L/N went for the door of the castle. At the door attached hanged a little note, the paper resembled the note he got from Monokuma in the electric avenue. He tried to push the door open but nothing happened, so he took the note and read it...

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now