Smile at hope in the name of Despair - 04

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L/N went into one of the few private rooms that were meant for him and the staff, to get some time for himself... he had to calm down after what he had read.... Not only was he trained in that orphanage by the man he thought he owed so much, but apparently this man wasn't the only one in on this... L/N himself was project Sigma, but what exactly did it mean and who requested it... would those informations be what he was going to find here too? Did L/N even want to see those? Would he even want to know? But in the end he had to... Monokuma was making sure be couldn't run from his problems so easily... L/N sighed

"...Alright then where could I search next... my office could be a place... the surveillance room maybe... or possibly the server rooms... maybe the vault? There could be so many places..." L/N was muttering

"All very good possibilities for clues... but is see you already got one that's about me." Dostokuma surprised L/N

"What do you want?" L/N asked slightly on edge... now that he new more about the character Dostoevsky he know he couldn't trust a Monokuma playing him

"Come on, are you really gonna be like that? I made you what you are. You are my creation, your are Sigma." Dostokuma said

"... I owe you nothing... you threw me and others in hell without asking. Why was I the one you pulled out?!" L/N's voice got louder

"Heh... You did exactly what I was waiting for. I wanted to see one of those weak young children, escape my men and survive on its own for some time. With that you proved yourself worthy. Worthy to fulfill gods will." Dostokuma told him

"So you planned everything?! Even that someone would escape was part of the plan?!" L/N screamed at him... it seemed nearly all that he believed in... was a lie

"Of course, it was the final step. The reason you became subject Sigma." Dostokuma said

"...Why...?" L/N whispered faintly

"Why you ask? Find it out yourself, seek out the truth you need, but don't want to hear." Dostokuma's voice was cold and then he dissapeared

L/N took a deep breath, he needed to calm down... he couldn't break down... no, he shouldn't this is what Monokuma wants. Be was interrupted by a ringing...

"Hey pick up, come on L/N take it!" Monokuma's voice accompanied the ringing

Taking out the phone he had been given on the screen it said 'survivors' attached on the word was a rope from which a person was hanging... dangling from side to side... everytime the phone rung, the rope got pulled up a bit and the lifeless body dangled around more... tasteless, disgusting... L/N pressed the call Accept button.

"Hello." L/N greeted

"Y/N is that you?!" Hajimes voice came from the phone

"Y/N!?" Sonia's voice could be heard in the background

"Yes. It is me... how is everything on the surface?" Y/N asked

"It is... ok. Nagito has been acting very strange... we are planning to capture him tomorrow in the evening, so we can maybe question him. How are you? It is pretty late by now." Hajime said

"I see... that is unfortunate... I am... ok it could be better... this place is... weird... I am at the place I dreamed of as a child... but it is filled with Monokumas playing guests and people I met in the past." Y/N explained

"What!? That sounds very dangerous!" Hajime shouted at him

"Up until now, it was dangerous only once... I had to bet my life for some information." Y/N said

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now